Put cardboard cartons in your recycling bin

Cardboard cartons from milk, ice cream, custard, and juice can now be put in your recycling bin (yellow lid).

A new recycling facility, the first of its kind in Australia, is turning the cartons into ready-to-use construction material for homes and offices.

What cardboard cartons are accepted?

  • Long-life milks e.g. skim, lite, full cream, lactose free etc.
  • Alternate milks, such as;
    • soy
    • almond
    • oat
    • barista
    • buttermilk
  • breakfast milk drinks (no straws)
  • liquid cooking stocks e.g. chicken, beef, vegetable
  • fruit juices
  • coconut water
  • ice cream cartons
  • gable-top milk cartons e.g. milk, custard, cream

Empty and scrape out all cartons. Remove any small plastic lids from milk and juice cartons and put them in your landfill bin (red lid). These lids are too small to be recycled in your yellow-lid bin.

Are Tetra Paks included?

Yes. Any Tetra Pak-labelled carton that held milk or juice can be put in your recycling bin.

Are takeaway coffee cups accepted?

No. Put disposable coffee cups and soft drink cups in the landfill bin.

Even though disposable cups are made of similar materials to cardboard cartons, there is limited processing capabilities at the only recycling facility in NSW. A limit on the amount of cartons currently accepted ensures the facility doesn't become overwhelmed and is forced to send excess material to landfill.

Put these cups and containers in your landfill bin (red lid);

  • Disposable coffee cups and lids
  • soft drink cups (like those from fast food outlets)
  • clear plastic cups
  • polystyrene cups
  • instant noodles cups
  • fast food chips/fries boxes and burger wrappers

What are the cardboard cartons made into?

The NSW-based company, saveBOARD is turning the cartons into a ready-to-use construction material for homes and offices.

The cartons are shredded and compressed using heat to bond it together, reducing the need for water, glues and other chemical additives.

The final product includes internal and external wall linings, roof boards, and ceiling tiles.