Latest news for organics facility

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You’re invited to an online community webinar this Wednesday night (31 July) to hear the latest developments for the planned Regional Renewable Organics Network (RRON) facility at Black Rock.

The RRON will turn food scraps and garden organics from our FOGO bins into products that improve soils, captures carbon and produces renewable energy.

Barwon Water is planning the world leading Regional Renewable Organics Network facility at the Black Rock Water Reclamation Plant.

The facility plans to take household food and garden waste, local commercial and industrial organic waste and biosolids (organic materials from waste water treatment) and safely convert it into products that enrich compost, soil and capture carbon for high value use in agribusiness and sustainable manufacturing, and at the same time produce renewable energy.

Barwon Water has been undertaking numerous technical assessments for the planned facility, which provide more information about how we will meet Environment Protection Authority (EPA) requirements and address community considerations such as noise, traffic and odour.

To keep up to date with the latest developments and findings of these activities, you’re invited to come along to Barwon Water’s upcoming community webinar, which is happening on Wednesday 31 July 2024, from 5.30pm to 6.30pm.

Access the webinar link here: