Get ready to Clean Up Australia
Clean Up Australia Day (CUAD) on Sunday 2 March 2025 is just around the corner, so rally your family, friends and neighbours and get involved in the nation’s biggest volunteer clean up.
You can join a local clean up or register your own site.
If you can’t find a clean up site near you, consider organising your own clean up. You don’t need a big group – you can get involved as an individual or family.
All volunteers receive a free clean up kit containing gloves and bags and other resources. Packs are available for individuals, families and community groups.
There are safety issues to consider when selecting a clean-up site, and all Clean Up participants must comply with the Terms and Conditions. Check the Clean Up Australia Site Guide to ensure your clean up location is safe for you and your volunteers.
Council is supporting clean up groups across our municipality by accepting any the litter picked up by these groups during their CUAD events free of charge at the Anglesea, Lorne and Winchelsea transfer stations.
To be eligible for free disposal of litter collected during CUAD events, individuals or groups must:
- Register their site with Clean Up Australia;
- Send the registration, make and model of the vehicle that will be delivering the collected litter to the transfer stations to Council at prior to the clean up activities.
Participating groups that find items that are too large to remove e.g couch, cars etc. should call Council on 5261 0600 and provide the address and type of litter.
Visit Clean Up Australia to register and get tips on organising your clean up event.