Check your compostable bags
Make sure the food scraps you put in your green-lidded FOGO bin can be composted by only using AS 4736-certified compostable bags. Other bags won't break down correctly and will result in microplastics contaminating the compost.
Using a compostable bag to collect your food scraps is optional. A sheet of paper towel in the bottom of your collection container, or quick rinse after emptying will work just as well.
If you are using compostable bags, check they are 100% corn-starch compostable bags that are AS 4736 certified. Do not use plastic bags, or bags labelled as degradable, biodegradable, or less than 100% corn starch as they do not fully break down.
Residents can pick up a free roll* of AS 4736-certified compostable bags from the following locations:
- Anglesea, Lorne and Winchelsea transfer stations
- Lorne Visitor Information Centre
- Torquay Visitor Information Centre
- Torquay residential drop-off (130 Messmate Road).
Here's a few tips for using your green-lidded FOGO bin correctly:
- ALL food scraps, leftovers, bones, mouldy or out-of-date foods belong in your FOGO bin.
- Grass clippings, small branches, weeds, flowers and prunings belong in your FOGO bin.
- If using a compostable bag, leave it untied because the knots don’t break down as quickly in the composting process.
- Keep teabags, coffee pods and biodegradable plastic packaging out of your green bin.
- Remove all plastic stickers from fruit and vegetables. Put the stickers in your landfill bin.
- Do not put paper or cardboard in your FOGO bin. Clean paper and unwaxed cardboard goes in your recycling bin.
By using your FOGO bin correctly, you help make high-quality mulch and compost for use on farms. This helps improve air quality and grow the crops that feed us all.
Small actions like correctly using your FOGO bin can make a big impact.
*Limit of one roll (150 bags) per visit.