Waste Vouchers
Council sends ratepayers two sets of waste vouchers each year:
1. Annual waste vouchers - issued in July
These vouchers are sent to all ratepayers each July, along with their rates notice.
The vouchers enable free drop-off of general waste and garden waste, and free pick-up of mulch as follows:
- Green waste:
Drop off up to one cubic meter of green waste, free of charge at the Anglesea, Lorne and Winchelsea transfer stations during open hours.
- General waste:
Drop off up to the value of one cubic meter of general waste, free of charge at the Anglesea, Lorne and Winchelsea transfer stations during open hours.
- Garden mulch:
Pick up one cubic meter of mulch (subject to availability) from the Anglesea, Lorne or Winchelsea transfer stations during open hours. Call the transfer station before leaving home to check that mulch is available.
The 2024-25 vouchers are valid until 31 August 2025.

2. Garden waste (fire prevention) vouchers - issued in October
These vouchers are sent to all ratepayers in October each year and should be used to reduce vegetation and prepare your Surf Coast Shire property for the fire season.
The vouchers are valid to 31 January the following year.
Visit our Fire Ready page to learn how to:
- clean up and prepare your property
- landscape your Surf Coast garden for bushfire
- identify and remove weeds

Still have questions?
Where do I find my vouchers?
Annual waste vouchers:
If you receive your rates notice by post, the vouchers will be sent out with the rate notice in July.
If you receive your rates notices by email, the vouchers are available from the link on the right-hand side of your email. Look for the tabs/button labelled “View my Rate Notice & Waste Voucher” or similar.
Clicking on the link with open a PDF. Scroll down past your rates notice to Page 3 to find your waste vouchers.
Vouchers are sent to ratepayer's primary postal and email address.
To change your postal or email address, please complete the Change of Mailing/Residential Address form.
Garden Waste (fire prevention) vouchers:
These are sent to ratepayer's primary postal and email address in October.
To change your postal or email address, please complete the Change of Mailing/Residential Address form.
I've lost my vouchers
Complete the online form and state which voucher you need – the annual waste vouchers or the garden waste (fire prevention) vouchers.
Vouchers are unique and identifiable by assessment number and imprinted with property information via barcode. Use of vouchers is recorded in Council’s record management system.
Council takes no responsibility for lost vouchers that are used by persons other than the intended recipient.
Tips for using your vouchers
- Vouchers can be presented for electronic scanning (you can show the vouchers on your phone / device at the transfer station).
- Vouchers are only issued once per year (in July/October). Change of home ownership and new tenants will not be issued vouchers until the following year.
- If your property is permanently rented, pass the vouchers on to your tenant to help them keep your property clean.
- Fees will apply if the load exceeds the value of the voucher.
- Multiple loads will not be accepted with a single voucher.
- Commercial, building and hazardous waste will not be accepted.
- Separate your load as some items are accepted free of charge e.g. scrap metal, whitegoods, e-waste (any item with a cord, plug or battery), batteries e.g. car, marine, power tools & household batteries (AAA, AA,C, D, & 9 volt).