Bin amnesty for extra kerbside waste bins

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Does your household have extra Council wheelie bins?

We’re holding a bin amnesty to collect extra unpaid kerbside waste bins.

Unpaid waste bins cost Surf Coast Shire Council to collect. By removing the kerbside collection of the unpaid bins we help to reduce costs.

Each household pays a waste charge through their rates for collection of four bins, one for each type of kerbside waste we collect: red lidded bin for landfill, yellow lidded bin for recycling, lime green lidded bin for FOGO (Food Organics and Garden Organics) and purple lidded bin for glass only.

Larger or extra bins

Households can pay for extra bins or upgrade to a larger size bin. The extra bins stay at a property if it is sold and the new owners may be unaware they are paying for extra bins.

This bin amnesty is a chance for households to assess what bins they have and return any extra kerbside waste collection bins.

What happens next?

All households that have paid for an extra or upgraded bin will be sent a letter explaining what extra bins they have on their property. At the same time Council staff have been placing stickers on these bins to easily identify the approved extra bins.

In the coming months Council’s waste contractor will stop emptying extra kerbside waste bins that are not marked with the correct sticker. Council staff will then start removing any extra Council-issued kerbside waste bins not paid for.

All Council kerbside waste bins will have a Surf Coast Shire logo stamped into the bin and are council property. Any bins without the logo will not be emptied.


If you have a question about what bins are at your property and to check if you have any extra bins call Council on 5261 0600 or email and include ‘Bin Amnesty’ in the subject line.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ's)

Why are council doing this?

Unpaid waste bins cost Council to collect. By removing the kerbside collection of the unpaid bins we help to reduce costs.

Each household pays a waste charge through their rates for collection of four bins, one for each type of kerbside waste we collect: red lidded bin for landfill, yellow lidded bin for recycling, lime green lidded bin for FOGO (Food Organics and Garden Organics) and purple lidded bin for glass only.

Households can pay for extra bins or upgrade to a larger size bin. The extra bins stay at a property if it is sold and the new owners may be unaware they are paying for extra bins.

This bin amnesty is a chance for households to assess what bins they have and return any extra kerbside waste collection bins.

I had extra bins when I moved in, how do I find out if I am paying for them?

Contact council with your residential address and we can check if their are extra bins being charged to your property.

Call 5261 0600 or send an email to or

How do I get rid of extra bins I don't want to pay for, they were here when I moved in?

Go to and complete the form under 'Cancel my extra or larger bin'.

I've sold my house, do I just take my extra bins with me?

No, the bins should remain at the property, they should not be taken away from the property they are being charged too. You must also let us know that the property has been sold by cancelling the extra bin service. If you want to obtain extra bins for your new property you will need to apply for an extra bin.  

All these forms can be found at

What if I sometimes use my neighbours bin and put it out in front of my property?

That's great you are making sure your waste is being put in the correct bin. If you use your neighbours bin you will need to make sure it is put in front of your neighbours house, otherwise our waste contractors may think you have an extra bin at your house mistakenly.

My bins are full every week, how do I manage with less bins?

Make sure you are putting your waste in the correct bin. A lot of waste put in the red landfill bin can actually be put into one of the other bins and recycled. By ensuring your waste is placed in the correct bin, your bins shouldn't be full each week. 

Download SCRRApp, Surf Coast Shire Council's very own rubbish and recycling app. This app has an A-Z guide about which bin your rubbish goes into. You can search the guide to find your item you are trying to dispose of.

Find out more about SCRRApp.