Street Lighting - Upgrading and glare issues

Esplanade Street lights.jpg

Our street lights are provided and maintained by Powercor. They play an important part of creating a safer environment for road users and pedestrians in our community. Throughout the Surf Coast there are over 4000 street lights. 

There are three types of street lights in our municipality:

  1. Residential street lights

    Powercor is responsible for the repair of all faulty residential street lights. If you are a resident wanting a street light repaired you must contact Powercor directly and to report any street lighting faults or to request any repairs. To report a faulty street light you can contact Powercore online at

    For any non urgent enquiries you can contact Power core online at

    For any urgent enquiries you can contact Power core online at or by phoning Powercor on 13 24 12. If it is life threatening situation you should call 000.

  2. Decorative Lights

    We have different lighting schemes throughout the municipality. Some light bollards are installed at ground level and are generally found within reserves while others are in commercial areas.

  3. Highway and major road intersection lights
    VicRoads are responsible for repairing lights on major roads or highways.

    Surf Coast is responsible for the majority of the lights located in reserves.

Street lighting standards

The provision of street lighting is considered on the basis of Australian Standard AS/ANZ 1158 – Lighting for Roads and Public Spaces.

All the standard street lighting Council has control over has been replaced with low energy LED lights being energy efficient lighting over recent years. The newer lights are brighter and provide for a greater spread of light. This has been an added benefit to our community delivered by the replacement program. The new lights are 85% more efficient than the older mercury vapour lights.

The Street light program was rolled out between 2017 and 2020 and now saves approximately 700,000 kW per-annum and 490 tonnes of CO2 each year. Our streetlights are now powered by renewable energy meaning our carbon footprint for street lights is zero and overall there has been approximately a 38% reduction power usage across the streetlight network.


Sometimes the brightness of the new lights can create an amenity concern for a resident when the public lighting spills into a residence affecting the ability to sleep at night. The known solutions for addressing excessive light spill that available are:

  • The resident installing a more effective block out blind or curtain to the impacted windows. An external awning or blind can also provide further protection in some instances.
  • Council can investigate and check the light emission levels.  There are standards for public lighting and if these are being exceeded it might be possible to reduce the strength of the light.
  •  A baffle (light shield) can be installed on a standard streetlight to limit the area of light spill. A baffle is a metal plate or guard that creates a shadow. It is not always possible to baffle a light to effectively shadow a window or make the general area darker. Baffles are not manufactured or available for decorative streetlights.

Newly developed areas have streetlights closer together which provides for more even light spread. This avoids patches of light and dark which can be less safe as our eyes try to adjust to the variable bright spots causing reduced visibility. Overall, the new estates are brighter at night than older areas of the municipality.

Request a shield to be placed on a streetlight

If you believe a street light shield is required to reduce lighting glare on your property, you'll need to complete a request form.

To request a shield to be placed on a street light, you will need to tell us:

  • Your name and contact details
  • The location of the streetlight
  • The light location and proximity to the requesters home.
  • Photo of the light spill impacting the room (Please note only bedrooms or other habitable rooms will be considered).
  • The actions you have taken to limit the effects of the street light on your property*

*Please note: requests for a shield will only be considered if all steps have been taken by the resident to rectify the problem within the property (that is: placement of heavy curtains or block out blinds).

The time frames for assessing the need for a light shield vary between 15 and 60 business days dependent on complexity (number of process steps required). It can take a further six months to arrange for the manufacture and then installation of the shield by Powercor.

The suitability of installing a shield is limited and dependent on the location of the offending streetlight as they cannot be fitted to lights on the opposing side of the road to the residential property. 

Report a street light issue