Request for copy of permit and plans

Use our Application for copies of planning permits and endorsed plans(PDF, 140KB) form to:

  • Search the planning history of a site
  • Obtain copies of Planning Permits and endorsed plans for a site.

While Council can provide copies/ allow viewing of the Planning Permit and any plans endorsed under the Planning Permit, it cannot provide access to documents associated with the making of the application for the permit or documents associated with the assessing of the permit. Things such as technical reports, expert reports, officer reports, internal memos and communications between Council and other persons are not available under Section 70 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. 

Completed forms can be emailed to for processing.

There is a $31 archive retrieval fee applicable if the file requested is to be obtained from Councils offsite archive storage facility. You will be advised if this is applicable by the planning department.