Footpaths, nature strips and grass
It's really important that the area in front of your property is clean and tidy so it's safer for the community.
Your property, whether vacant or developed, should be kept tidy and this includes moving the grass. Grass, plants, weeds or similar vegetation should be no more than 30cm from the natural surface of the ground.
If grass is not trimmed, Council's Ranger Services (in Torquay and Jan Juc) of the CFA (in the rest of the shire) will inspect the property and if required will issue a notice to comply.
Vegetation near footpaths and laneways
Council inspects local footpaths every few months for vegetation encroachments (overgrown plants/trees) and other hazards. We just want to make sure there aren't any trees or bushes restricting public movements, reducing sight distances for vehicles, or presenting a hazard to public safety.
If we do find a property that has vegetation encroaching over the footpaths or laneways, we'll send out a letter and a photo to the property owner asking them to address the issue within 14 days.
If you would like to plant a tree on your nature strip please contact council for advise, or you can request that a tree is planted for you.
Guidelines around the trees, bushes and other vegetation on your property
In URBAN areas:

- There should be at least 2.5 metres clearance above a pathway.
- There should be at least 3.6 metres clearance above a road or laneway.
- No vegetation can extend more than 10cm beyond your boundary line into a pathway, road or laneway. (That's the length of two AA batteries!)
In RURAL areas:
- Vegetation to be cleared to provide at least 4.9 metres clearance above a road or laneway.
- No vegetation can extend beyond the roadside guide posts.

Parking on naturestrips
Section 197 (1) of the Victorian Road Safety Road Rules 2017 state that a driver must not stop on a bicycle path, footpath, shared path or dividing strip, or a nature strip adjacent to a length of road in a built up area. There is exceptions in place to this rule, as follows:
- where signage is provided to explicitly allow parking on the nature strip
- to allow motorcycles to park on these areas where it does not inconvenience or obstruct any pedestrian or vehicle.
Council Rangers are authorised to enforce parking related offences listed in the Victorian Road Safety Road Rules.
If you see a vehicle parked illegally that is blocking pedestrian access, causing a site obstruction or is a general safety concern then please contact Ranger services via our online request form.
Footpath faults
Please let us know if there are any hazards in any footpath in the shire:
If you give us your contact details when making a request, we can send you a Customer Request for Maintenance (CRM) number in case you'd like to follow up.