Building report and consent application
Building report and consent application
Report and Consent is the process in which you seek approval from Council to proceed with building or construction works that may affect community assets, infrastructure or neighbours amenity.
When a building design does not comply with siting requirements under the regulations, a building surveyor cannot issue a Building Permit until you obtain Report and Consent from Council. Therefore, the regulations allow for an application to be made to Council to vary the regulations.
Please note; that this is an application process, it does not mean your proposal will be automatically approved.
You can apply for the following regulation matters:
Maximum street setback
Minimum street setback
Building height
Site coverage
Car parking
Side and rear setbacks
Walls or carports on boundaries
Daylight to existing/new habitable rooms
Solar access to existing north facing habitable rooms
Overshadowing of secluded private open space
Private open space
Siting of outbuildings
Front fence height
Fence setbacks from rear or side boundaries
Fences on side or rear boundaries
Fences on street alignment
Fences and daylight to existing habitable room windows
Fences and solar access to existing north facing habitable room windows
Fences and overshadowing of recreational private space
Masts, poles etc
For siting matters, you will need to provide reasons for your application and refer to the Minister's Guidelines(PDF, 216KB) under Section 188A of the Building Act 1993
Neighbours’ Input & Consultation
When considering any application for 'siting matters', we take into account the impact the proposed siting might have on adjoining properties. We may also contact your neighbours for their comments, which may in turn have a bearing on our decision to approve or refuse the siting design. Here is the Adjoining Owners Comment Online Form if you would like to consult with the neighbours before Council contacts them (this may also speed up the 'advertising' process of your application). If you require a PDF version of the form to print and give to your neighbour, use this PDF Adjoining Owners Comments Form.(PDF, 633KB)
If we decide to refuse your application, you have the right to appeal the decision to the Building Appeals Board. Note that neighbours don’t have a right of appeal if they don’t agree with Councils final decision.