Planning Information and advice on planning permits. Includes information on how to prepare and submit your planning permit application.
Rates and payments How to pay your rates, how they are calculated, receive your rates by email, register to view all your rate notices and how to notify us of any changes.
Pest animals and nuisance native wildlife Information and contacts for pest animals and nuisance native wildlife.
Septic and wastewater Installing and maintaining septic systems and maintaining a safe private water supply.
Footpaths, nature strips and grass How to properly care for the area in front of your property, allowed grass length, parking on naturestrips, footpath faults, and crossovers.
Vehicle access through a Council reserve Requests for temporary vehicle access through a Council reserve
Graffiti Management To provide information on how to report graffiti and direct to Council's Graffiti Management Policy
Election signage The Surf Coast Planning Scheme allows election advertising signs on private land without a permit as long as they meet certain requirements.