Expect hot, dry conditions - find out more including what changes you can expect for Council services on Saturday.
Council services on Extreme fire danger days
See what restrictions apply --->
Mud'Dadjug (Mt Abrubt, Dunkeld) | Marea Breisch | 2D
Callistemon Crimson | Liz Hughes | 2D
The Moonah Trees | Kevan Way | 2D
Our Neighbours | Ochre Buckley | Child
what?? | Alexandra Suzuki | Youth
Linley | Matthew Solly | 2D
The Society | Kerryn Whiting | 2D
Canola Field, North Torquay | Douglas Banner | 2D
Incoming Storm at Juc | Marietta Thompson | 2D
Airey's Inlet Morning | Raymond Wilson | 2D
Walking Towards the Sunshine | Jennifer O'Sullivan | 3D
Roadknight | Jessamy Bennett | Youth