Better Health Program

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A free online health program for kids and families to become fitter, healthier and happier together from home!

Better Health Program is for kids aged 7-13 years old and their families.

It runs online for 10 weeks each school term and teaches them to make healthy lifestyle changes together.

Through interactive online sessions and weekly telehealth appointments with a qualified health professional, families learn about:

  • healthy eating
  • keeping active
  • forming healthy habits at home

With access to the internet, it can be done anytime and anywhere.

They will also get lots of free resources, including a Garmin Vivofit 4 fitness tracker AND there is prize vouchers worth up to $70 for participating.

Victorian families can join the Better Health Program for FREE in 2022, as part of a research project with Monash University.

To join, families must agree to participate in the research project whilst completing the Better Health Program. This involves completing at-home surveys and measurements at 4 time-points over an 18 month period.


  • Tuesday, 26 April 2022 | 12:00 AM
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