Anglesea Art Space - Terms and Conditions

Anglesea Art Space Agreement and Conditions of Use:


Please ensure that all artists and gallery minders read this document thoroughly in the lead up to the exhibition and again at Bump In (installation). 

Anglesea Art Space is run by the Surf Coast Shire and has been set up as a community art space.

The space allows art practitioners to exhibit, perform, create and run workshops.
Workshop proposals can be discussed with the Exhibitions and Gallery Support Officer or Arts Development Officer.

The Anglesea Art Space is generally provided for three weeks, including three weekends, Bump In (set up) and Bump Out (dismantling).

We strive to support artists as much as possible to sell artworks, expand their networks, connect with other creative individuals and to widen their audiences.


First Nations: Where an artwork is related to First Nations Peoples or Culture and the artist is not Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, artists must demonstrate appropriate consultation with the applicable Registered Aboriginal Party (RAP), Traditional Owner consultant or First Nations organisation.

Artworks that directly reference First Nations iconography, symbology or story will not be displayed without evidence of this permission.



The costs* associated with exhibiting at Anglesea Art Space are:

  • $140* rent per week inclusive of GST (or $420 for a 3 week exhibition period).
  • The rental fee will be invoiced by Council prior to Bump In and must be paid in full prior to installation.


  • A 20%* commission (including GST) applies to all sales processed during an exhibition.

* Please note, Rental Fees and the Commission Policy are subject to change for the 2025/2026
Financial Year in accordance with Council's adopted budget.


GST Registered Artists

  • Are registered for GST, and
  • make the sale in the course of running their business.
  • They are responsible for setting the sale price inclusive of GST.

NON GST Registered Artists

  • Surf Coast Shire Council does not take responsibility for reporting GST on sales.
    This is the responsibility of the GST Registered Artist.
  • Responsible for setting the GST exempt sale price.
  • The Artist does not charge GST on the sale.
  • Surf Coast Shire will collect GST as part of the commission received. 

More information can be found at:


Invigilation (Minding the Exhibition/Project)

Exhibiting artists are required to mind the Anglesea Art Space for the duration of their show.

At a minimum, the space must be invigilated on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
The days the exhibition will be open is to be organised in advance with the Exhibitions and Gallery Support Officer.

In the event of unforeseen circumstances:

  • If an exhibiting artist is unable to fulfil their responsibility to mind the Anglesea Art Space for any reason
    (e.g. isolating in relation to Covid, illness, an unexpected commitment), they must arrange for someone to voluntarily fill their shift or arrange to place a notice on the door informing the general public the ‘Anglesea Art Space is closed due to unforeseen circumstances’.

Extreme or Catastrophic weather or Fire Danger Ratings:

In the event of an Extreme or Catastrophic weather or Fire Danger, (FDR issued by the CFA - Country Fire
Authority), Anglesea Art Space is required to activate Council’s Emergency Response Plan to reduce exposure to unreasonable risks.

Employees, volunteers and invigilators will not deliver services or travel in bushfire areas at the highest risk times.

A member of the Arts Team will notify artists if the exhibition needs to be closed.

  • Anglesea Art Space will be required to close as per Surf Coast Shire Council Policyhirers will be entitled to compensation equivalent to 25% ($35 per day) of your weekly fee for each affected day on the following basis:
  • That the closure coincides with a pre-determined scheduled exhibition day, or a Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, and
  • The closure lasts for more than two consecutive days.
  • This reimbursement applies solely to closures necessitated by risk incurred by Extreme and Catastrophic Fire Danger as declared by the CFA.  

For more information about the Shire’s Policy, visit

To help remain informed, staff and volunteers can download the Vic Emergency app on their phone.


Conditions of Use

The Surf Coast Shire Council agrees to provide use of the shop known as Anglesea Art Space.

  • It is a condition of use that the space is used respectfully and professionally.
  • This includes keeping the space tidy - regular cleaning as per instructions during exhibitions. Ensuring all walls and plinths are returned to original condition, including patching and repainting as required.

No nails, picture hooks, sticky tape or double-sided tape are to be attached to the walls.

  • Council reserves the right for the Arts Development Officer to review any exhibition set up and dismantling in regards to these requests, safety issues and complaints.
  • Artists will be invoiced for any repairs required to fix damage incurred during their time in the space. 

This is a community space, not a private gallery. As such users of the space will:

  • Have a person on site during their exhibition - to greet visitors, process sales and direct visitors with enquiries to contact the Exhibitions and Gallery Support Officer or the Arts Team.
  • Install and remove yellow flags on the veranda poles each day the gallery is open.
  • Provide an area to display promotional materials for other arts events.
  • Keep a tally of visitors to the space on the form provided.
  • Suggest visitors sign up to our email news and leave comments about their experience.
    This feedback is vital in generating data to demonstrate the importance of Anglesea Art Space to
    the community and creative economy, and directly informs Council’s ongoing programming.

Anglesea Art Space is not a retail shop. It is for exhibiting artwork as part of an exhibition.

As such:

  • Sold artwork is to be collected by the purchaser during the exhibition, at the time of BUMP OUT, or by arranging collection at a later date in consultation with the Artist, Curator or Exhibitions and Gallery Support Officer.
  • If a person purchasing artwork does not live locally, the work can be taken at the time of sale if remaining works can be rearranged to maintain the exhibition’s integrity.
  • If the purchaser asks for the work to be posted, they must pay in full for the artwork, including packaging/postage/delivery costs.
  • It is the responsibility of the artist to define these costs and communicate this to all Invigilators prior to the exhibition opening.
  • Please note: Anglesea Art Space does not supply packaging.

  • The sale of gift cards and unframed prints during the exhibition is permitted.
  • Plinths must not be removed from the space. Unused plinths can be carefully stored behind the mobile
    wall (if not in use elsewhere in the space) or beside the back door without blocking the exit.
  • Provide easy access to the toilet and backdoor for Emergency Exit at all times.
  • Protection of Floor: Always use two people to move plinths and/or use the trolley provided.
    As Council rents this space for the use of community, please do not drag or push objects and furniture across the floor, drop heavy items or use any materials/mediums that might damage the floor (eg. Paint, oil, paint medium, methylated spirits, acids, dye, varnish, glue, adhesives, etc.)
  • The toilet facilities are for staff/artists minding the gallery only and must be cleaned after each use.


General Conditions

  • Parking: If you are minding the Anglesea Art Space, please park in Noble St or opposite the river to help keep parking bays available for patrons visiting businesses within the shopping strip.
  • Lights: There are four light switches located on the wall outside the toilet. The one with the red sticker is the toilet. Switch on the other 3 during the day and ensure they are off when exiting.
    • The lights in the windows are to be left on for security purposes - these are located inside the power box in case of emergency, otherwise please do not touch.
    • The light switches are to be cleaned with disinfectant before and after the exhibition.
  • Air-conditioner/heating: If the air conditioner/heater is switched on during the day it MUST be set
    to 'OFF' before leaving the space. The control unit is on the wall above the stored wire frames.
  • Windows: If you would like the windows professionally cleaned please discuss with the Exhibitions and Gallery Support Officer well before your exhibition. It is $50 cash (tbc), which is an out of pocket expense to the exhibiting artist.
    • If you would like to clean the windows yourself, some cleaning products are supplied.
  • General cleaning:
    • If the Exhibitions and Gallery Support Officer finds that the Anglesea Art Space has not been left in the same or better condition than when it was provided, professional cleaning fees may be charged.
    • Remove all your rubbish at the end of each day and at the conclusion of the exhibition.
      Bins are located at the Noble St end of the car park.
  • Storage: Please do not use the storeroom or cupboards to keep any of your items - these areas must be clutter free for safety purposes and to ensure easy daily cleaning.
    Do not remove or dispose of any items you find in the storage room without prior consultation with the Support Officer.
  • Safety: If you feel threatened, do not hesitate to contact the Police on 000.
    Other important contact numbers are provided on the Exhibitor's Check List document in the yellow folder on the desk.



  • NO CASH can be accepted in relation to sales.
  • Artists must use the EFTPOS machine supplied by Surf Coast Shire Council for ALL sales.
    • Sales must be recorded on the Exhibition Sales Form to ensure accurate financial records are maintained. The Exhibitions and Gallery Support Officer submits a weekly reconciliation to the Finance Department.
    • Only one receipt is required for multiple items, but each item must be listed on separate rows.
    • Make sure that buyers are informed of the collection time for purchased works.
    • All Eftpos ‘Merchant’ receipts to be stored in black and white box.
    • At the end of each day a Cumulative Totals Receipt must be printed from the Eftpos machine and balanced against the sales sheet.
    • A 20% commission applies for all sales, gst is included in the commission.
      This will be calculated at the end of the exhibition period and artists or the exhibition organiser will be invoiced by Council.
    • Artists who have sold work will have the above fees deducted by Council prior to reimbursement.


  • The Surf Coast Shire covers Public Liability Insurance for the Anglesea Art Space.
  • Artists need to supply their own artwork insurance against theft and damage if required.



  • Please discuss your workshop idea with the Exhibitions and Gallery Support Officer to ensure compliancy with use of the space.
  • If permitted, Council will require a current Working with Children (WWC) and insurance documents.
  • Bookings must be set-up online through 'Eventbrite' or ‘Humanitix’.


Council Support

Council will support the exhibition by:

  • Providing a large scale poster for the Anglesea Art Space window.
    • Artists must provide a high quality image and exhibition information (title, artists, opening date and time and days open) at least 8 weeks prior to the exhibition.
  • Providing a promotional tile (square format ad adapted from poster) to share via social media and email.

  • Promoting the exhibition through Anglesea Art Space and Surf Coast Art Matters social media – also share to various Facebook community noticeboards throughout the region.

  •  Promoting (if timely) through the Surf Coast Shire's quarterly Art Matters e-news.

  •  Printing display labels to accompany your works (if required).

  •  Exhibition opening celebration - Anglesea Art Space can provide glasses.
    Catering is to be organised by the exhibitors.  

Please note, it is your responsibility to promote your exhibition as well!
This is a key part in the success of an exhibition.
This may include printing and distributing flyers, social media, video, etc.


Hanging System & Plinths

Please read these instructions carefully before using:

  • There are 42 hanging wires, 60+ hooks & 30+ magnetic hooks that attach to the roof grid.
  • Use the metal step ladder to install the hanging wires - they hook into and off the rail - do not try to slide the wires.
  • Hooks are spring activated. Press top down and slide to desired place on wires.
  • Do not bend the wires. Fold around in a circular motion if required.
  • Larger wall works require at least 2 wires & hooks to ensure the artwork is safely hung.
  • 14 plinths of various sizes are also available in the Anglesea Art Space.
    • Unused plinths can only be stored in view at the back of the space, or behind the mobile wall if it is not in use elsewhere in the space.
    • Plinths cannot be dragged across the floor. Gentle pushing for large plinths is permitted.
    •  Ensure two people assist with moving plinths, and use the portable trolley provided.
  • The storeroom is only to be used for storage of equipment, chairs and supplies.
  • Seating: Plastic and folding chairs are available. Ensure they do not block movement through the space.
  • Tables: There are two trestle table available, and a desk for the exhibition minder.
  • A metal step ladder is provided for your use. Please follow health and safety guidelines provided - ie, do not over reach when standing on the ladder, ask someone to hold it for stability, etc
  • A limited tool kit: includes hammer, pliers, a level, hooks and hanging wire.
  • Blu Tac: Is often required to stabilise hanging works. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to provide new
    Blu Tac for this purpose.

  • It is your responsibility to ensure that you to meet Council's promotion deadlines and follow the procedures outlined herein to ensure smooth running of the exhibition.

  • Leave required documentation on the front table - this is important to keep accurate records and collect statistics.

  • Refer to the Minding the Exhibition Instructions for more information about daily
    procedures and sales.

  • Email all completed Booking Information documents to the Exhibitions and Gallery Support Officer at

For further information please contact us at or on 5261 0600.