Roadside Management


The management of roadsides within the Surf Coast Shire is split between Council and Regional Roads Victoria.

Regional Roads Victoria manages major roads within the shire such as the Surf Coast Highway, Great Ocean Road, Hendy Main Road, Deans Marsh – Lorne Road and the Princes Highway. For these roads, contact Regional Roads Victoria  if you have any queries around road condition, weeds, pest animals, remnant roadside vegetation and wildlife.

Council manages the other roads within our shire, adding up to roughly 1500kms of road verges. Well-managed roadsides contribute to road safety, fire prevention, flood management and the protection of the environment. Council manages road reserves with all of these things in mind.

With regard to the environmental values of Council managed roadsides, during 2019 and 2020 Council updated the assessment of native vegetation on our road reserves. The original 1997 roadside assessment report is below along with the methodology used to update the assessment of vegetation condition and extent. Contact Council for further information regarding Council managed roads.