Local Plants


Local Plants

Locally indigenous plants are the best choice for gardens, reserves and roadsides to help improve biodiversity within the Surf Coast Shire. To find out more about plants suited to your area you can use our Indigenous Planting Guides.


Foraging on Council owned or managed land

You are not allowed to remove native plants from Council owned or managed land for any reason such as foraging for food, cutting firewood or the collection of flowers. Native plants, including their seed, roots, tubers, leaves and flowers, provide vital habitat and food for our native animals and are protected by law. For more information see Council’s Local Amenity Law and the Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988. Note that fines apply for the removal of native plants from Council land.

Information on growing your own bush foods in your garden can be found on sites such as the Australian Plants Society (Victoria) and CERES .

Caution: Council may use herbicides, insecticides and inorganic fertilisers on land it owns and manages. Plants on Council owned or managed land may be affected by the use of these products.

Landscaping your Surf Coast Garden for Bushfire

As a property owner you have an important role to play in reducing bushfire risk by the way you design, develop and maintain your property.  Council has developed a video and the Landscaping your Surf Coast Garden for Bushfire(PDF, 2MB)(PDF, 2MB)  booklet to help.

Farm revegetation

The Arthur Rylah Institute has produced the following helpful fact sheets to assist landowners with their revegetation projects