Circular Economy Action Plan

family in the veggie patch

We have developed a Circular Economy Action Plan(PDF, 2MB) (CEAP) which outlines priority circular economy areas, actions and key targets, and which will drive change within Council and across the community.

Actions and targets in this plan are in line with those of the federal and state governments.

This three-year action plan outlines

Five key priority action areas:

  • Priority 1: Avoiding waste and increasing resource recovery
  • Priority 2: Maximising reuse
  • Priority 3: Innovation and collaboration
  • Priority 4: Driving systems change
  • Priority 5: Advocacy

Twenty five actions within those priority areas. Examples include:

  • Investigate and trial initiatives to avoid problematic waste items in landfill e.g. modern cloth reusable nappies.
  • Undertake a feasibility study to assess the viability and requirements of a Torquay Transfer Station.
  • Increase the use of recycled materials in Council projects, asset renewal and maintenance in areas such as roads.
  • Investigate long-term alternatives to landfill for residual waste, including developing an Anglesea Landfill Transition Plan.
  • Work with leading local businesses to create case studies to help drive more circular economy actions and innovations across the business community.

A range of circular economy targets:

  • Where they are available, these are aligned with Australian and Victorian governments. We have developed additional targets specific to Council.