Library of Things
Applications open: Monday 7 April 2025
Applications close: Sunday 11 May 2025
About this grant
This one-off grant will provide funding to establish a Surf Coast Library of Things (LoT) and to run the LoT for the first three to six months.
A LoT enables community members the ability to borrow a range of household items to help reduce consumption, promote sustainability, and create a more equitable and resilient community. LoTs help drive a circular economy by avoiding waste, keeping valuable resources in use and protecting the environment.
A Library of Things can take many forms and there is flexibility for applicants interested in applying. This can include flexibility in:
- Items offered: from a small select range of specific items through to an extensive range of items;
- Set up: from minimal online set up to through to a staffed or volunteer run physical shop;
- Applicant: from a group of individuals (under an auspice agreement), through to existing community groups, community facility organisations, charities, businesses, etc.
- How it is offered: from being an extension of existing offerings by a group through to being a new venture for a group;
Recommend reading before applying for grant
It is recommended that the Library of Things set and running guidance resources produced by Council are read before applying for this grant:
Funds available
One-off grant of $20,000 to enable a group to set up and run a Surf Coast Library of Things.
Grant Purpose
Surf Coast Shire Council values the knowledge, skills and motivation of people who take action on ideas that contribute to a thriving Surf Coast Shire community and environment. We are looking to fund the set up a of Library of Things, in alignment with Council’s three-year Circular Economy Action Plan Priority 2 – Maximising reuse. The purpose of this grant is to establish a Library of Things that will benefit the Surf Coast community and support a local circular economy.
The Council Plan provides information and insight into Council priorities and the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan identifies our Health and Wellbeing Pillars.
The project must be inclusive of people with disability, as per the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.
Guidelines and Checklist for Inclusive Events
Before applying
- Read the Guidelines below on this webpage to check your eligibility.
- Do the pre-readings recommended above.
- If you have any questions not addressed on this webpage call our Circular Economy Team on 5261 0600 or email us at
NOTE: Council officers can assist with the application process, but are unable to review draft applications.
- Applications open: Monday 7 April 2025
- Applications close: Sunday 11 May 2025
- Applications assessed: 12 - 31 May 2025
- Successful applicant announced: 2 - 6 June 2025
To apply
Applications are submitted online at Please contact our Grants Team on 5261 0600 if you require an alternative.
Assessment Criteria
Criteria 1 - Project Plan (Weighting: 40%)
Development of a clear project proposal for the establishment and running of a Library of Things – depending on the proposed model - including but not limited to: proposed model, loaning system, operation hours, items offered, group set up (staffing/volunteers), plan to retain volunteers, any in-kind contributions (optional), future funding strategies, communications/promotions plan.
Criteria 2 - Experience (Weighting: 25%)
Demonstration of experience, commitment and capability to deliver the project.
Criteria 3 - Budget (Weighting: 25%)
Complete budget outlined for the $20,000 funding (with quotes where possible) and plan for securing ongoing funding / income to support the operation of the LoT after the grant funding is spent.
Criteria 4 - Collaboration (Weighting: 5%)
Opportunities for collaboration with other groups and / or networks.
Criteria 5 - Skills (Weighting: 5%)
Opportunities for volunteers and/or community to progress or develop new skills.
Equity and inclusion considerations
The Gender Equality Act 2020 means that Council has a legislated requirement and a responsibility to promote and support gender equality. For more information about the Gender Equality Act , visit au/about-gender-equality-act-2020
Surf Coast Shire Council is committed to promoting equality and access for all people regardless of race, sex, sexuality, age, ability and disability, socio-economic status, education, ethnicities and faith.
We believe our diversity is what makes our community stronger.
To ensure our grants program is equitable and inclusive, preference will be given to projects that remove barriers to participation for marginalised groups and emphasise inclusion for all. This might look like:
- Your facilities, publications and processes are accessible and inclusive as possible
- You make reasonable adjustments for marginalised groups
- You are open to feedback for how you can improve access and inclusion
- You actively promote the participation of women and girls in your project or group.
Who can and cannot apply
Can apply
- Groups that operate in or contribute to the Surf Coast Shire community.
- Incorporated not-for profit groups, or unincorporated groups who apply through an appropriate not-for-profit incorporated body that supports the application and is willing to accept responsibility for the funding (i.e. auspice agreement).
- Charitable organisations.
- Groups that operate as part of a larger governing body, where this grant is outside the scope of what is funded by the governing body, e.g. Churches, Cemetery Trusts, SES, CFA.
- Not-for-profit community groups and sporting clubs that lease or are licensed to use Council owned buildings.
- Schools and kindergartens, if the activity is not part of the standard curriculum/learning framework.
- Individuals under an auspice agreement – where they can demonstrate capacity to establish a Library of Things
- Businesses – where the application demonstrates that the proposed project will have considerable tangible community/environmental benefit.
Cannot apply
- Applicants that do not meet the eligibility requirements specified in these Guidelines.
- Committees of Surf Coast Shire Council, including Advisory Committees, Committees of Management or Sub Committees.
- Groups that have an overdue Acquittal Report for previous funding received from Council.
- Elected members and employees of Council are not eligible to write applications, sign or be listed on any grant.
What will and won’t be funded
Yes – will be funded
- Projects that align with and support the Grant Purpose as found at the top of these guidelines.
- Activities and projects that support gender equity and inclusion.
- Projects that support First Nations self-determination, Reconciliation and/or allyship (this means listening to and supporting action on issues of importance to First Nations Peoples).
- Activities or resources that celebrate and promote diversity and inclusion.
- Proposed LoT model and equipment that supports avoiding waste, a loan system and keeping valuable resources in use.
- All costs associated with the set up and running of a LoT e.g. wages, items purchased, inventory system set up, venue hire, items maintenance, insurance, utility bills, stationery etc.
- Projects with a clear, realistic plan for securing sustainable funding / income to ensure the ongoing operation of the LoT.
- A LoT operating within the Surf Coast Shire, including on Council managed or private land.
- A LoT on private land must demonstrate that the project will meet the requirements of a LoT and will have clear community benefit.
No – won’t be funded
- Projects that do not align with the Grant Purpose.
- Activities and projects that do not support gender equity and inclusion, or reinforce gender stereotypes.
- Projects that are not supportive of First Nations self-determination, Reconciliation and/or allyship.
- Activities or resources that do not promote diversity and inclusion.
- Projects that have already commenced or equipment that has already been purchased.
- Any costs outside of the set up and running of a LoT.
- Projects that do not have a well-defined and realistic plan for securing sustainable funding / income.
- A LoT operating outside the Surf Coast Shire.
- Projects that provide direct benefit to a commercial business, individual or landholder without significant community or environmental outcomes.
- Projects that support political or lobbying activities.
- Projects that do not align with the objectives of Council’s Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan (e.g. projects that encourage unhealthy eating or include the consumption of Alcohol)
- Projects on land that is under a current planning investigation.
- Projects that increase fire risk as determined by Council’s Community Emergency Management Department.
Eligibility requirements
These are the grant essentials to tick off before your application can be considered by us.
Grant requirements:
- The LoT must operate within the Surf Coast Shire. However the group running the LoT may be within the G21 region (Colac Otway, Golden Plains, Greater Geelong, Queenscliffe and Surf Coast) – a maximum of 30 minutes from the Surf Coast Shire.
- Proposals must demonstrate how they act upon the grant purpose described in these Guidelines.
- Proposals should demonstrate environmentally sustainable practices and must not have negative impacts on the natural environment.
- Proposals must not discriminate against people based on gender identity, race, age, socio economic status, education, ethnicity, ability and disability, or faith.
- Proposals must not contradict the priorities of the Council Plan, including the Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan.
- Completed applications must be received through the SmartyGrants online system. Please contact our Grants Team before the closing date on 5261 0600 if you are unable to access this system and require an alternative format/method.
Requirements of the applicant:
- The grant can be awarded to incorporated not-for profit groups, or unincorporated groups or individuals who apply through an appropriate not-for-profit incorporated body that supports the application and is willing to accept responsibility for the funding (i.e. through an auspice agreement).
- A certificate of currency for Public Liability Insurance (proportionate to the risk associated with the LoT and activities being undertaken) must be sourced and a copy provided.
- Applicants must have an ABN or be willing to complete an ATO Statement by Supplier Form.
- Projects involving children must comply with the Child Safe Standards
- Where appropriate, projects must be inclusive of people with a disability or those who are marginalised. Please refer to Council’s Disability Inclusion Guidelines. If successful, you may be required to complete Surf Coast Shire’s Inclusive Events Checklist.
- Any relevant risk assessments, permissions, permits and/or maintenance must be worked through with Council officers prior to funding being distributed (e.g. permission from a facility or land manager to make changes).
Funding information
Funding details:
- One-off grant funding amount of $20,000.
- The applicant may contribute to the cost of the project but grant funds cannot be used for retrospective purchases.
- Applicants may apply for funding in multiple Council grant streams if it is for different projects/purposes.
- When a grant is awarded, payment will be made to the organisation’s nominated bank account after all relevant documentation is received by Council, including a signed Funding Agreement, invoice and evidence of Public Liability Insurance. If using an auspice, you will need to provide their banking details and an invoice issued by them.
- Council will not be responsible for costs over and above the grant amount awarded.
- Applicants should be aware of their responsibilities to comply with Federal Government taxation requirements. For information or advice on whether you should be registered for GST or need an Australian Business Number, contact the Australian Tax Office information line on 132866 or visit
In accepting a Surf Coast Shire Council grant these are the things you are committing to:
- Sign a Funding Agreement prepared by Council, specific to your project/activity.
- The funding provided must be used for the approved activities/items. Any changes to budget items in the application may not be undertaken without prior written approval from Council.
- Applicants must obtain any necessary approvals and meet any costs associated with those approvals.
- Where required, the applicant will ensure that the activity complies with all the relevant acts, codes, standards and applicable legislation, including, but not limited to, Victoria’s Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005, Disability Discrimination Act 1992, and Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004.
- Monthly project meetings – to help support the project.
- An Acquittal Report, including an expenditure statement, must be provided by 19 Dec 2025, in line with conditions outlined in the Funding Agreement. An extension to this may be negotiated if agreed by Council.
- Council’s logo shall be used on all material relating to the funded activities and an appropriate acknowledgement of funding must be given by the recipient in all promotional material, announcements and reports of the activities to the community.
Grievance Process
All applicants whether successful or not have the opportunity to discuss the application process. Applicants have the opportunity to write to the CEO if they are not satisfied with the grant process. The applicant will be notified of the outcome in writing.
More Information
About this grant
Depending on the nature of your project, these resources may be useful.
Registered Aboriginal Parties
We recommend reading the Country Plans available here:
Access and inclusion
Asset Based Community Development
Circular economy and sustainability
Council Plan and Community Vision
Library of Things resources
- Report - feasibility studies review and recommendations for a Surf Coast Shire Library of Things (LoT)
- Setting up a Library of Things (LoT) - A community reference resource
Reconciliation Australia
Gender Equality