About the Project

In recognition of the significant economic and social impacts that a lack of affordable housing was having on Surf Coast communities, Council included ‘improve access to affordable residential accommodation’ as a key strategy of its Council Plan 2021-2025.

The Affordable Accommodation Action Plan 2024 makes a commitment to explore the suitability of Council owned land for the development of social and affordable housing.

2 Fraser Drive, Aireys Inlet was identified as a suitable site for exploration.

Two phases of community engagement including a community co-design have considered the potential of the site to accommodate additional social and affordable housing dwellings in a way that:

  • Complies with the planning provisions and enhances the social, environmental and heritage values of the area
  • Contributes to the supply of social and affordable housing for local families and key workers and enhances neighbourhood liveability.

At the 27 August Council Meeting, Council approved a 50-year lease of land at 2 Fraser Drive Aireys Inlet, to enable Housing Choices Australia to develop social and affordable housing at the site. View the Council Meeting minutes

Housing Choices Australia (HCA) will enter a 50-year lease with Council for an annual fee of $1. HCA will use the approved lease along with the recently endorsed concept design to apply for funding for the development.

Council endorsed the concept design at the 28 May Council Meeting. View the Council Meeting minutes. A Community Advisory Group provided recommendations on the layout of dwellings, private open spaces, interfaces with public open spaces, access ways, parking and landscaping Representatives from HCA and Freadman White Architetcts met with the the Community Advisory Group on 22 March to demonstate how each of the recommednations had be incorporated into the concept design.

The 28 May Council Meeting also saw Council resolve to commence community engagement on the proposed lease with HCA. The consultation period ran from 6 June to 4 July, attracting four submissions with no objections. Councillors considered the submissions as part of their August Council Meeting deliberations.

The start of the approved lease is contingent on HCA being successful in attracting funding for the development. If successful, planning and detailed design phases of the project will include community engagement and offer Aireys Inlet residents further opportunities for input.