Community houses

Outside of Anglesea Community House

The Surf Coast Shire has five Community Houses that provide meeting places and hubs of learning for groups and individuals across the municipality. These houses are as diverse as the townships throughout the Shire and welcome all members of the community.

The Community Houses are funded for 25 hours per week and welcome any new volunteers, there's always a lot happening and it's a great place to meet new people or catch up with old friends.

Advocacy and referral services are also offered and more information can be obtained by calling in or contacting the Coordinators on the numbers listed below. You can also ask for a copy of their latest course guide listing each House's events and activities.

To find out what is on offer at your local centre contact one of the following:

Anglesea Community House Inc.
Coordinator: Julie Martin  
McMillan Street
Anglesea 3230
(PO Box 43, Anglesea 3230)
Ph. 5263 2116
Fax: 5263 1077

Deans Marsh Community Cottage Inc.

Coordinator: Caroline Shelbourne

10 Pennyroyal Valley Road
Deans Marsh 3235
(C- Post Office, Deans Marsh 3235)
Ph. 5236 3388
Fax: 5236 3227


Lorne Community House Inc.
Coordinator: Katy Kennedy
16 Mountjoy Parade
Lorne 3232
(PO Box 207, Lorne 3232)
Ph. 5289 4383
Torquay Community House logo Torquay Community House Inc.
Coordinator: Prue Challis
14 Price Street
Torquay 3228
(PO Box 433, Torquay 3228)
Ph. 5261 2583
Fax. 5261 2584

Winchelsea Community House Inc.
Manager: Wendy Greaves
28 Hesse Street
Winchelsea 3241
(PO Box 75, Winchelsea)
Ph. 5267 2028
Fax. 5267 2753