Early years policies and plans

woman and child


To comment on these policies, email info@surfcoast.vic.gov.au

Polices under review

The following policies have been reviewed and are open for comment. You can provide comments on these policies by emailing info@surfcoast.vic.gov.au by 31 January 2025.

Excursions Policy(PDF, 213KB)

Infectious-Diseases-Policy(PDF, 457KB)

Determining the Responsible Person Present(PDF, 237KB)

Employment of Qualified Staff Ratios(PDF, 260KB)

Governance and Management(PDF, 175KB)

Council's Early Years Unit is currently reviewing the following policies:

Medical Conditions & Medications

Nutrition, Healthy Eating and Oral Health

Supervision of Children

Smoking, Vaping, Drug and Alcohol free environment

Transportation of Children and Road Safety

Municipal Early Years Plan 2021 - 2025

Kindergarten Service Statement