Complaints and grievances
The Surf Coast Shire Council will contact the Department of Education if a concern or complaint is made about the health, safety and wellbeing of a child or any concern relating to the Education and Care Services National Laws and Regulations.
To raise a concern, complaint or grievance, contact:
1. Your child’s teacher/educator in person, via email or phone at the service.
2. Please call (03) 5261 0600) to request:
- Team Leader Kindergarten Programs or Kindergarten Program Advisor
- Team Leader Integrated Hubs - Occasional Care
3. Seek information or lodge a complaint through Surf Coast Shire Council:
Ph: (03) 5261 0600 or
4. Contact Department of Education, Barwon South Region
(the regulatory authority for Council's education and care services):
Ph: (03) 5215 5136
75 High Street, Belmont, VIC, 3216