Burning off and fire restrictions


Fire restrictions will be in force from Monday 25 November 2024. This date has been declared by the Country Fire Authority (CFA) as the start of the Fire Danger Period for the Surf Coast. The Fire Danger Period is when CFA restricts the use of fire in the community to help prevent fires from starting. These restrictions are likely to be in place until 1 May 2025. 

The Fire Danger Period is not the same thing as a Total Fire Ban. Find out what you can and can't do during both

Burning off

In the township areas of the Surf Coast Shire, burning off of dried vegetation is permitted only on WEDNESDAY or SATURDAY between 10am-3pm outside the Fire Danger Period.

All burn offs on private property must be conducted in accordance with our Burn Off Guidelines(PDF, 326KB).

Township boundary maps have been revised in recent years. To check if your property falls within a township area, see Township Boundary Maps below or call Surf Coast Shire Council on 5261 0600. 

You must register your burn off 20 minutes before ignition - phone 1800 668 511 to register.

Options instead of burning off

Rather than burning off, smaller amounts of green waste can be disposed of in your green bin which is collected weekly.

For larger amounts of green waste use your green waste vouchers at our waste transfer stations in Anglesea, Lorne or Winchelsea.

For more information, see our Waste and recycling page.

Apply for a Permit to Burn

The Country Fire Authority (CFA) is responsible for issuing fire permits.

 These permits are required for businesses and individuals who need to use fire to conduct work or an activity during the Fire Danger Period, a Prohibited Period, or on a Total Fire Ban day.

You could be fined up to $16,900 or go to jail for up to 12 months for burning without a permit. 

For details see the CFA website

To apply, please complete the Permit to Burn application on the Fire Permits Victoria website.

Planned burns

Forest Fire Management Victoria conduct a planned burn program in our region to reduce fire fuel loads on crown land.

These burns take place through autumn and spring.

For more information and to receive notice of planned burns in your area, visit Forest Fire Management Victoria.

Australian Fire Danger Ratings

Fire Danger Ratings tell you how dangerous a fire could be if one started. It helps you to know when conditions are dangerous enough to put your bushfire survival plan in to action. 

Ratings are forecast using Bureau of Meteorology data for up to four days in advance, based on weather and other environmental conditions such as fuel load.

For today's Fire Danger Rating or more information go to the CFA website.