Accessible beaches Locations and booking information for beach wheelchairs, matting and inclusive programs available at Surf Coast Shire beaches.
Accessible parks and trails Information about the all-terrain Trail Rider Wheelchair, and accessible trails in the Surf Coast Shire.
Accessible Transport and Parking Accessible public transport and taxis, scooter recharge, accessible parking and access maps.
Changing Places Changing Places facilities are located in Anglesea, Torquay and Winchelsea. These facilities are large public toilets with full sized change tables and hoists.
Good Access is Good Business Guide for local businesses to improve access and inclusion for people with disability.
Inclusive and accessible events Surf Coast Events guide for event organisers about how to make events more inclusive and accessible for people with diverse needs.
International Day of People with Disability Each December, Council celebrates International Day of People with Disability, a United Nations-observed day aimed at increasing public awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disability.