Tourism Business Road Signs

Tourism Signage.JPG
Eligible tourism businesses can apply to have signs placed on roadside reserves. In order for a business to be considered eligible, tourism must clearly be the core business activity of the attraction.
It is important to note the primary role of these signs is to give visitors direction or guidance, not for marketing or promotion.

Tourism business road signs FAQs

What is the criteria for a tourism business road sign?

Essential Criteria for all applicants - Accommodation & Attractions (including restaurants & cafes)

• Have tourism as a core business activity.

• Have all relevant State and local government licences and approvals to operate as a tourist attraction.

• Be open to the public without prior booking during normal opening hours.

• Be open on weekends and at least three other days of the week, plus public and school holidays.

• Be open for a minimum of seven hours per day on the days the business is open.

• Details and/or brochures are available at the nearest accredited Visitor Information Centre.

• Promote the location and clear directions to the attraction to visitors from outside the local area.

 Approvals are based on the Australian Standard AS 1742.6 and the Tourist Signing Guidelines.

View VicRoads Tourism signing guidelines

Written consent (a sign permit) is required from the relevant coordinating road authority before placing a sign on a road.

Additional to the Essential Criteria above is the:

• Specific Criteria for Accommodation Signing – section 9.3 of the Tourist Signing Guidelines

• Specific Criteria for Restaurants – section 9.4 of the Tourist Signing Guidelines

I would like a tourism business road sign to help promote my business, am I eligible?

If you meet the essential criteria, you may apply for a tourism business road sign, however, the primary role of these signs is to give visitors direction or guidance, not for marketing or promotion.

There are other sign types that may support your business identification such as a-frames or advertising signage. Please complete the Business permit assessment to identify the type of permits you might need.

What are the costs involved for a tourism business road signs?

The expected minimum cost is $450, inclusive of a removal fee. This cost includes a permit fee, materials and labour for the sign installation.

In the Surf Coast Shire, new tourism road sign application fees are $236 and an amendment to an existing sign is $118.

The applicant is responsible for all costs, including assessment, design, production, installation, replacement and removal where required. The cost will vary depending on size, location and road management authority.

There is no cost to submit a tourism business road sign query by clicking on the button at the bottom of this page. The query will provide us with basic details about your request. If you may be eligible, you will be sent a link to an application form to continue.





Can I make my own sign?


All road signs must be made and installed according to Australian standards AS 1742.6.

Written consent (a sign permit) is required from the relevant coordinating road authority before placing a sign on a road.

My road sign has been damaged – what do I do?

Please advise Council of any maintenance required so we can work together to ensure all repairs are carried out safely and according to Standards and guidelines. You are responsible for the costs of maintenance and upkeep for the life of the sign.

If you see a damaged or incorrect sign, please report it to Council's customer service team on 03 5261 0600 or lodge a request.  

My business is located within a shopping centre or industrial precinct, am I allowed to have a sign?

In this case, the priority is to provide signage to the named precinct for the benefit of all businesses and to provide clear direction for drivers.

Where the precinct is not named, clear road name signage or generic terms e.g. ‘shops’ will be used.

Individual facilities, services or businesses located within the precinct will not be signed from the road.

Smaller way-finding signage may be used within a precinct to support clear direction.

There is already a sign nearby advertising other business in the area, am I able to have my business added to it?

In many cases, two signs can be installed at the same location.

Where a third sign for the same type of tourist attraction or facility (e.g. Bed & Breakfast or Winery) is requested for the same location, the signs will be aggregated to the one sign indicating the generic attraction/facility type available in the vicinity. 

Symbols may also be used in this instance.

I am closing my business, do I need to do anything about the sign?

Please let us know ideally prior to the business closing and we can arrange for removal of the sign. The sign can then either be recycled or returned to you as a momento from your business.

I have a holiday home that is available for bookings, can I have a sign?

No, signage is not permitted for holiday homes. 

Signage is generally not permitted for accomodation unless casual accomodation is available (eg. prior bookings are not required).


If you have a tourism business road sign query and meet the criteria:

Submit your tourism business road sign query