Starting or growing your business Identify what permits you'll need to get a business started and learn about our Business Concierge service.
Need a Business Permit? When running a business both State and Local Governments require permits to do so.Operating Food premisesPlanning permits for Liquor licenses or new business operationsA-Frame footpath sign and many more.....
Food premises registrations Information for businesses, community groups and individuals regarding registering fixed food premises, domestic kitchens, market stalls and mobile food vans.
Good Access is Good Business Guide for local business about benefits of improving access and inclusivity for all customers.
Economic and population profiles Research and data documenting the Surf Coast's economy, population and trends.
Economic Development Strategy 2021-2031 Council has endorsed and Economic Development Strategy 2021-2031 The strategy lays out the future of our region's economic prosperity, check it out
Outdoor Dining Parklet A guide for local businesses with all the information you will need about Outdoor Dining Parklet, including how to apply.
Digital Marketing Pack for Business - Share the Surf Coast Spirit Page to provide information and assets for Surf coast Business be involved in the Share the Surf Coast Spirit Christmas Digital Campaign
Better Business Skills Workshops & Events Find out about all of the upcoming Business Events hosted by the Business Support Team
Business Newsletters Discover and subscribe to newsletters relevant for local businesses in the Surf Coast Shire.