Access and Inclusion Strategic Plan 2014-24


Surf Coast Shire Council is committed to access and inclusion for all to build healthy, well-connected communities where everyone can participate. The Accessible and Inclusive Strategic Plan outlines how Council will work towards this goal over ten years from 2014 to 2024.

This Plan was developed with extensive input from the community, people with a disability, Council staff and Council’s All Abilities Advisory Committee.

The Plan outlines how Council will make the Surf Coast Shire more accessible and inclusive for all by working to achieve five key outcomes:

1. Built and natural environments are well designed and accessible for people of all abilities, and planned to adapt to our community’s future accessibility needs

2. Accessible, flexible, people-centric services and information, responsive to the needs of people with a disability, their families and carers

3. People of all abilities actively participate, socialise and have fun in the community and contribute to local decision making

4. Council actively promotes the importance of inclusion for all, addressing discriminatory attitudes and supporting inclusive practices

5. A workforce that embraces diversity and is responsive to the needs and aspirations of people with a disability

View the plan, the summary, and the latest progress report in the Community section of our Plans and strategies page.