Winchelsea Greening & Stormwater Treatment


Updated 14 March 2025

Council is committed to taking action to help address climate change and its associated impacts.

Funded by the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, Council is undertaking the ‘Winchelsea Greening and Stormwater Treatment’ project with the purpose of addressing the following key issues:

  • Hotter and drier streets across the township, a real threat which is likely to be exacerbated by climate change
  • Stormwater quality discharging to the Barwon River

Part of the project proposal is to plant trees with passive irrigation along Hesse St and Armytage Street for the purpose of greening and cooling the streetscape.

Twenty-one trees will be planted along Hesse Street and 12 along Armytage Street.

Council is preparing to secure contractors for the project, with focus on sourcing sustainable materials from local suppliers where possible.

Work is expected to start mid-May 2025.

The drivers and objectives for passively watered blue-green infrastructure systems include:

  • Provide at-source treatment and reuse of stormwater to reduce stormwater volumes and pollutant loads delivered to the Barwon River;
  • Provision of a healthy growing environment for the targeted tree species; the major factors being adequate soil volume and soil moisture (not being too wet or too dry);
  • Support to other landscape forms through providing alternative water sources to increase landscape health, resilience and amenity;
  • Reduce reliance on potable water supplies for irrigation;
  • Mitigate the urban heat island effect;
  • Contribute to wellbeing and economic benefits

The second aspect of the project is to install a gross pollutant trap (GPT) close to the Barwon Hotel to reduce litter discharging into the river. The location on the south side of Main Street, close to the Barwon Hotel would intercept an existing 300mm diameter stormwater pipe, which is draining a 2.4ha catchment area.

Alongside greening and cooling, we are also looking at pathway connectivity along Hesse Street South and Armytage Street. This links with the Barwon River Loop Walk project also being undertaken by Council. Pathways could be installed to complete the loop walk and provide enhanced connectivity.

Design is currently underway. Construction will commence mid-2024.


Hesse Street and Armatage Street, Winchelsea 3241  View Map

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