Winchelsea Common recreation space
February 2024
The former go-kart area at Winchelsea Common is revitalised and reopened, with new paths providing access to beautiful viewing areas.
These works finalise revitalisation of sections of the Common following its decade-long closure due to contamination from former gun club activities.
The paths network includes a ‘loop’ around one of the Common’s magnificent river redgums, seating and signage.
A new drain crossover links to Gladman Street and will help alleviate localised flooding issues.
The former go-kart area contains contaminated soil from throughout the Common that is safely capped with non-contaminated soil.
Fencing continues to protect areas of sensitive vegetation but those areas can be viewed from closer than before.
The reserve was reopened for restricted public access in March 2022 following extensive clean-up work by the then Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, and Council.

December 2023 update
Preparations for reopening the former go-kart section of Winchelsea Common are progressing well, with new paths taking shape and seating and signage set for installation early in the New Year.
Contractors have recently installed a crossover culvert which will enable linking of the new paths with Gladman Street, and help address localised flooding issues.
The new works in the former go-kart section will provide access to a beautiful viewing area of the Common featuring one of its large River Red Gums.
This area contains contaminated soil from throughout the site that is safely capped with non-contaminated soil, while the existing fencing continues to protect areas of sensitive vegetation that will be able to be viewed closer than before.
Once completed, the works will finalise revitalisation of parts of the Common following its decade-long closure due to contamination from former gun club activities.
The reserve was reopened for restricted public access in March 2022 following extensive clean-up work by the then Department of Environment, Land, Water and planning, and Council.

Council resolved at its August 2023 meeting to endorse a proposed project scope of works which will activate the area for recreation with walking paths, seating and a new crossover. More information is available in the Council meeting agenda/minutes
Review the proposed scope of works(PDF, 1MB)
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