Gathering Space Shelter

drawing of the new mud hut design

UPDATED 14 June 2024

Community members will be able to make hands-on contributions building an earthen cob wall to complete the new Barwon River gathering space shelter.

Council is working with community members planning construction of the low wall, which will further bring to life community-led designs for replacement of the former Mud Hut.

Community building activities will get underway after winter, with completion expected by December.

The new shelter, with picnic furniture and barbecue, has proven popular since opening for use earlier this year.


UPDATED 20 May 2024

Timber-topped picnic furniture now complements the new Barwon River Gathering Space shelter.

Tables and seats were installed earlier this month to accompany the free barbecue, enhancing a welcoming riverside space for community members and visitors.

The shelter brings to life community-led designs, replacing the former Mud Hut which was no longer safe.

We look forward to seeing community members and visitors making the most of the shelter and enjoying its riverside setting.


Winch gathering space shelter 5.JPG

Winch gathering space shelter 6.JPG

December 2023

 people using a crane to assemble a structure.

The new Barwon River gathering space shelter is taking shape, with construction underway.

The structure is due for completion by the end of the month and internal furniture is on order and will be installed about March 2024.

Landscaping work around the shelter including addition of an access ramp and stairs is expected to be completed during the first few months of 2024.

October 2023

The project continues with demolition of the original hut now complete, and final engineering and fabrication of the new structure underway.

The new building, to occupy the existing footprint beside the Barwon River, will bring to life community-led designs for the enjoyment of local and visiting users for years to come.

Construction of the new hut is expected to start in early November, with completion estimated for the end of November.

Final phase demolition of the existing structure started on 11 September.

drawing of the new mud hut design

June 2023

The Winchelsea Mud Hut renewal project has progressed to construction phase; however, partial demolition of the hut has revealed the presence of fauna, including a microbat, meaning full demolition will not proceed until September.

Council’s contracted ecologist discovered a microbat (pictured below) and a small lizard during careful removal of sections of the structure and believes more microbats might be located in ridge capping, which could not be removed due to the instability of the building.

Next phase of demolition of the hut will be done during September using machinery, due to safety precautions. Other microbats located in the building are more likely to have moved on by then but our ecologist will be on site during demolition for careful removal of the ridge capping to safely relocate any which remain.

Full demolition will not proceed until the ecologist is satisfied all fauna is safe.

Council is now waiting on updated time frames from suppliers for work on the replacement shelter, including design, engineering, fabrication and an on-site starting date.

The site will remain fenced off until the full demolition is complete and the area made safe.

Council greatly appreciates the contributions and patience of dedicated Project Control Group and Winchelsea community members as we progress towards construction of the new shelter, and looks forward to seeing the new community-led design come to life to be enjoyed by the community for years to come.


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