Stribling Reserve Stadium

Published on 09 February 2024

Stribling Reserve Stadium

Page updated 26 June 2024

Surf Coast Shire Council is working to repair and reopen Lorne’s Stribling Reserve Basketball Stadium following discovery of mould underneath floorboards.

Situation update

The project is delayed due to the condition of sub-floor components.

More assessments and works are required to continue the rehabilitation.

The floorboards and sub-floor have been removed, and the stadium’s internal beams and surfaces cleaned and treated.

Geotechnical testing of sub-floor components needs to be carried out, including assessing the condition of concrete stumps for potential reuse.

The stadium remains closed and Council is continuing to liaise with Lorne P-12 College, members of the Stribling Reserve Community Asset Committee and user groups.

Delays to the project will impact term four school activities.

Next steps

Council is awaiting an environmental health assessment on the mould.

Geotechnical testing is to be carried out and contractors will be on site during the week starting 1 July 2024.

Council is committed to ensuring work is completed as quickly as possible to minimise inconvenience, and impact on the college and community activities.

Stadium access will continue to be restricted.

Stribling Reserve Pavilion

Stribling Reserve Pavilion is not impacted and remains open for users.

More information

We will provide further updates as we work through the next steps.



What caused the mould at the stadium?

Mould spreads in areas that are damp and poorly ventilated so we will be investigating whether water leaks, ongoing humidity or inadequate ventilation are factors. Specialists advise that the ventilation within the stadium building itself is functioning well. The mould is principally located under the stadium floor so this is our focus. There is also a small amount in a storage unit, which we will also treat.

What exactly is mould?

Mould is a type of fungus that grows in moist or humid places. It occurs naturally in the environment and can be found almost anywhere indoors.

What is Council doing to fix the problem?

We have closed and sealed the stadium.

Specialist contractors have investigated the causes of the mould growth and type of mould and are determining treatment.

The mould present impacts timber, so effective treatment has involved lifting the stadium floorboards and an underlying membrane.

Sources of moisture underneath the stadium are being identified and addressed, and adequate ventilation ensured to prevent return of mould growth.

A new stadium floor will need to be installed. The existing floor will not be able to be reused.

Council is committed to ensuring work is completed as quickly as possible to minimise inconvenience and impact for the school, and for community activities.

For how long will the stadium be closed?

It’s too early to say when the stadium will be ready to reopen.

Council is committed to ensuring work is completed as quickly as possible to minimise inconvenience and impact for the school, and for community activities.

What is happening with the sports equipment that was in the stadium?

The sports equipment is being cleaned and stored in containers on site. The school has access to the equipment including for upcoming athletics sports carnivals.

What about Stribling Reserve Pavilion?

Stribling Reserve Pavilion is not impacted and remains open to users.

Is mould a health concern?

Health authorities advise that most people are unlikely to be affected by exposure to mould.

For some people exposure to mould can trigger temporary symptoms including nasal congestion, sneezing, cough, wheeze and respiratory infections. Mould can worsen asthma and allergic conditions.

People who are more susceptible to health impacts include those with:

  • weakened immune systems
  • allergies
  • severe asthma
  • chronic, obstructive, or allergic lung diseases

Find out more

What should I do if I am worried about exposure to the mould?

Anyone who is concerned about potential health effects of mould should seek medical advice, for example from their usual general practitioner.

Where can I get more information?

Council will provide regular updates through this web page as we finalise our investigation and commence the clean up and repairs.

Find out more

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