Anglesea Netball Club Pavilion Upgrade


Anglesea Netball Club life member Maz Caulfield likens the club's pavilion upgrade to a successful relay.

"We've had so many amazing committee members, club members and parents for so many years who have worked hard to improve the facilities for their kids, other peoples kids and the community as a whole", she said. "Those past committee members handed the baton on to our group. Its been a real legacy, and its great to see it come to fruition."

The $1.3 million multi-use facility at Ellimatta Reserve features female-friendly and umpire changerooms, an office, canteen, first aid and trainer's room and storage.

"Back in the '80s it was a shelter shed and over a period of time it's been updated", Maz said. "But its's only ever been quite minimal and not suitable, especially on rainy days. Now it meets netball Victoria standards."

The club, particulraly netballers, are excited to kick off the 2024 season with a new pavilion.

"There's been a fantastic reaction. The players who have been with us for years have said it's a great thing to see, and the new players who have come in have said what amazing facilities we've got. It shows we're a vibrant club which is moving forward", said Maz, who also highlighted the strong community support.   

The pavilion upgrade aligns with Council's goal to foster a thriving, connected, healthy community.

Thanks to the Victorian Government via the 2021 Local Sports Infrastructure Fund, and Anglesea Football Netball Club for their support to the deliver the Anglesea Netball Pavilion upgrade.