Volunteer roles at Council

At Surf Coast Shire, we are committed to providing meaningful volunteering experiences. We currently have over 200 active volunteers across several sectors of the organisation. 

Family Support Volunteer

Council's Child and Family Health Team is looking for volunteers to support parents in various local programs. 

Apply now

Time commitment
Weekly 2-4 hour shift

Nature of volunteering
Set up, pack down and hosting playgroup.

Suitable for
Adults, people who like children, can set up equipment, like to chat

Tourism/Visitor Information Centres

Volunteers help meet and greet more than 250,000 visitors to the Surf Coast each year.
More info on our Tourism/Visitor Information Centres

Express your interest now

Time Commitment
Weekly, rostered shifts 2-4 hours

Nature of volunteering
Welcoming and advising tourists. Face to face engagement

Suitable for
Adults, those who like to meet new people and share information

Cultural Engagement Events Volunteer

Volunteers play a crucial role in the smooth running of our cultural events. These volunteers host cultural events are exhibitions, and work alongside First Nations People.

Apply now

Time Commitment
Sporadic across the year

Nature of volunteering
Events, exhibitions

Suitable for
All ages, abilities and skills

Community Asset Committees

These passionate volunteers directly manage the daily operational activities at nominated halls and recreation reserves on behalf of Surf Coast Shire Council. 

Learn about Community Asset Committees


Youth Mountain Bike tracks Maintenance Team.

Young Volunteers work together to maintain local bike jumps tracks at Jan Juc and Spring Creek.

Apply now

Time commitment
Self-allocated shifts, can be often or sporadic. Negotiated with site coordinator.

Nature of volunteering
Basic track maintenance. Raking, digging and smoothing gravel tracks.

Suitable for
Youth 12 years+ or adult coordinators welcome.

Kindergarten Volunteers

Kindergarten volunteers help to create a safe, engaging learning environment for hundreds of young children across the Shire. Whether it be within the education spaces, on excursions, or as part of the Parent Advisory Committees, volunteers are integral to our Kindergarten programs.

Kinder volunteers can complete a hard copy registration on the first day of volunteering at the Kindergarten.

Apply for the Parent Advisory Committee

DOWNLOAD: Council's Volunteer Handbook(PDF, 405KB)

DOWNLOAD: Child Safe Organisation Policy(PDF, 242KB)

Time Commitment
Sporadic dates and times as agreed with Kindergarten teacher.
Parent Advisory Committee - meets twice per school term, mostly evenings, 1-2 hours each.

Nature of volunteering
Committee work, fundraising, policy work, administration, social media, working bees, event management

Suitable for
Adult, all abilities and skills welcome

Advisory Committees

There are two volunteer advisory committees at Surf Coast Shire Council:

Positive Aging Advisory Committee

All Abilities Advisory Committee