Kindergarten volunteers help to create a safe, engaging learning environment for hundreds of young children across the Shire. Whether it be within the education spaces, on excursions, or as part of the Parent Advisory Committees, volunteers are integral to our Kindergarten programs.
Kinder volunteers can complete a hard copy registration on the first day of volunteering at the Kindergarten.
Apply for the Parent Advisory Committee
DOWNLOAD: Council's Volunteer Handbook(PDF, 405KB)
DOWNLOAD: Child Safe Organisation Policy(PDF, 242KB)
Time Commitment
Sporadic dates and times as agreed with Kindergarten teacher.
Parent Advisory Committee - meets twice per school term, mostly evenings, 1-2 hours each.
Nature of volunteering
Committee work, fundraising, policy work, administration, social media, working bees, event management
Suitable for
Adult, all abilities and skills welcome