
Our commitment to volunteering

Surf Coast Shire Council Statement of Commitment to Volunteering

Council recognises volunteering is an integral part of a thriving community.
Volunteering drives wellbeing, collaboration and resilience. It is a nexus between Council and community.  It connects people from different backgrounds and provides commonality, belonging and purpose, it forges a pathway to new opportunities, equity and inclusion. 

Council recognises the power of volunteering.
Volunteers get a power of work done for the benefit of their communities. They make essential contributions to community projects, events and programs, helping resources go further.   Council in turn supports volunteers and unites with them with the shared goal to make positive change.

Council aligns with Volunteering Australia’s National Standards of Volunteer involvement’, and commits to supporting volunteers, volunteer groups and volunteering programs in the community.
Council is committed to a process of continual and meaningful innovation and improvement in Volunteering. Council commits to supporting positive and safe, best-practice volunteering experiences in the community and a sustainable approach to volunteering.

Volunteer opportunities with Council

Family Support Volunteer

Surf Coast Shire are seeking new volunteers to assist our Child and Family Health Team in supporting parents in various local programs.  Expressions of interest are currently open.  Please email volunteering@surfcoast.vic.gov.au or complete the following application form.   

Tourism/Visitor Information Centres

Volunteers help meet and greet more than 250,000 visitors to the Surf Coast each year.
More info on our Tourism/Visitor Information Centres


Volunteers play a crucial role in the smooth running of more than 300 events in the Surf Coast each year. Search the events calendar and contact event organisers to get involved. 

Community Asset Committees

These passionate volunteers directly manage the daily operational activities at nominated halls and recreation reserves on behalf of Surf Coast Shire Council. Join a Community Asset Committee

Volunteering in an emergency

There are many organisations to join and help in an emergency.  Most require volunteers to be trained and ready for events before they occur.

Check this fact sheet on volunteering in an emergency(PDF, 184KB)

Contact us for more information

Phone: 5261 0600 and ask for the volunteer advisor
Email: volunteering@surfcoast.vic.gov.au

Surf Coast Shire Council is a Child Safe organisation. Volunteers will be required to have a current Working With Children Check, and agree to a National Police Check.