The Esplanade Road Rehabilitation UPDATES
Tuesday 20 August 2019
The forecast for the rest of the week is for clearer weather, so Council’s contractor will be on site tomorrow (Wednesday 21 August) starting with pavement cutting. Disruption during this process should be minimal.
They will then start pavement asphalting works on Thursday. Traffic Management will be in place, with one lane closed during this time.
Cars will not be able to park on either side of the road where they are doing asphalting works. Electronic sign boards are in place to advise motorists of the works.
Bins are collected along The Esplanade on a Friday. Please place your bins at the kerbside out as normal. The contractors are happy to help Cleanaway access your bins. Please call Customer service on 5261 0600 or email to report any missed collections.
Monday 19 August 2019
Due to the cold and wet weather forecast this week, our contractors have made the decision to defer the asphalting works until the weather improves. VMS boards will be updated to reflect this change and we will keep the website up to date as well.
Wednesday 14 July 2019
Pavement improvement works have been continuing along The Esplanade, between the Bell Street roundabout and Zeally Bay Road.
The initial preparation works, which included patching sections of the road, has now been completed.
Rubbish collection
The rubbish bin collection day along the Esplanade is Friday. We are hopeful that the asphalting will be completed, so bins should be left out as normal.
Next steps
Thursday 15 and Friday 16 August:
- Council will be removing pedestrian refuges.
- VMS boards advising motorists of upcoming works will be placed on site.
Monday 19 to Friday 23 August:
- Asphalting works will commence, starting at the Bell Street roundabout end, and working in sections each day towards Zeally Bay Road. It is anticipated that the asphalt sealing will take between three and five days to complete, weather permitting.
- Line marking will then follow.
Tuesday 27 to Thursday 29 August:
- Pedestrian refuges to be reinstated.
Traffic management will be in place, with traffic reduced to one lane in the section where works are happening each day. As the entire pavement width is being asphalted, we have asked local residents to not park on the street.
If you have questions, contact the Project Manager on 5261 0600 or email
Wednesday 31 July 2019
Road patching works are well underway on The Esplanade in Torquay.
Greenhall Asphalt has carried out works at the following properties:
- 07 The Esplanade
- 13 The Esplanade
- 14 The Esplanade
- 16 The Esplanade
- 23 The Esplanade
Works will continue tomorrow, weather permitting, with the deeper patches at the following properties:
- 23 The Esplanade
- 30 The Esplanade
- 37 The Esplanade