Rate capping


Why the revaluation?

Under state legislation, complete general valuations of properties are required each year, and these valuations help determine your rates (up until 2018 valuations were done every two years).

Who determines property value?

Valuer General Victoria employs independent valuers to do this, and they look at many factors to determine the property value including:

  • real estate sale prices
  • market movements and trends
  • features of the house and the land
  • any improvements to the property.

This helps Council get more money, right?

Not exactly. The increase in Council rates is capped, so the total amount of rates we receive doesn't change based on your property's value. What does change is the portion you pay of the total rates we collect.

More information

Frequently asked questions

Property valuation objection information

Payment options

Rate capping explained: rate capping(PDF, 159KB)
(PDF, 92KB)