No longer on display. Expired on
21 March 2024, 05:00 PM

Surf Coast Shire Council gives notice of its intention to enter into a Licence Agreement as follows:
Association of Surfing Professionals (ACN 130 233 993)
To use Crown land forming part of Bells Beach Surfing Recreation Reserve, which includes land known as 10 and 90 Bells Beach Road, Bells Beach, Victoria 3228 for the use of a major event. The land is more particularly described in Crown Folio Statement Volume 12052 Folio 509, being Crown Allotment 2052, Parish of Jan Juc, a permanent reservation for the protection of the coastline.
For a period of four (4) years.
Submissions are invited and can be submitted via:
Submissions must be received by 5pm on 21 March 2024.