Urban Futures Strategy, Planning Scheme Review open for consultation
Published on 25 October 2023
Surf Coast Shire Council is seeking public input developing a new Urban Futures Strategy which will guide growth across the shire and help meet the housing needs of future generations.
Council resolved at its October meeting to endorse an Urban Futures Strategy Background Context Report and put it out for public consultation, alongside a Surf Coast Shire Strategic Bushfire Assessment.
When finalised, the Urban Futures Strategy will help ensure that residential development aligns with community aspirations, occurs in appropriate locations, respects cultural values and protects significant landscapes and the natural environment.
It will also need to be consistent with the Surf Coast Statement of Planning Policy (Distinctive Area Landscapes), which sets out measures to protect environmental, heritage and landscape values across a significant section of the shire.
Council also resolved at the meeting to endorse a Surf Coast Planning Scheme Review Consultation Report for public review.
Council is required under Victorian legislation to regularly review provisions of the Planning Scheme.
The review report includes recommendations on strategic updates to the scheme, including finalising the Urban Futures Strategy as a key priority.
Mayor Liz Pattison said the documents would be available for public comment from 30 October to 29 December.
“This is far-reaching work with many important factors at play so we encourage community members to take the time to review the reports and provide feedback,” Cr Pattison said.
“Ensuring sustainable growth is one of the key themes in our Council Plan, however being one of the fastest-growing regional areas in Victoria comes with distinct challenges.
“The Urban Futures Strategy will address questions like what levels of population growth should be accommodated in our shire, what are the options for accommodating that growth and where, and it will help guide our way by providing a new growth area framework.
“We have released the Planning Scheme Review report for community consultation alongside the Urban Futures Strategy report given the significant degree of overlap on the issues of housing, environmental protection and climate resilience.”
The Urban Futures Strategy Background Context Report addresses topics including:
- Environmental values, risks and challenges that will constrain options available for growth.
- Victorian Government policies and requirements that inform local planning policy.
- Past and forecast population and housing growth.
- Town-by-town summary of recent residential development, current planning provisions, and constraints and opportunities on future urban growth, including places suitable for additional ‘greenfield’ urban growth.
People can access the documents, find information including FAQs and provide feedback via surfcoast.vic.gov.au/PlacemakingProjects