Council to offer bus hire subsidy for eligible groups

Published on 25 March 2025


Surf Coast Shire Council will offer bus hire subsidies to eligible community groups and organisations from September 2025 until June 2027.

The subsidy will be introduced as part of Council’s decision to transition from its current bus hire model, which is declining in use, carries substantial risk, and is not cost effective.

The new subsidy model will provide community groups with a safer, more accessible and more efficient way to hire a bus. It will also enable access to a wider variety of vehicles to meet community need.

Community bus trial

A community bus trial found bookings for the buses continue to decline despite a wide-reaching promotional campaign last year. Bus trips decreased by 18.5% from 151 trips in 2022, to 123 trips in 2024. This is on the back of community groups accessing other vehicles, including some groups purchasing their own.

In making the decision, Council considered the significant increased cost to ratepayers to operate the community buses. It’s estimated the new model will save more than $1.4m in renewal and operating costs in Council’s long-term projections.

More about the fleet

The fleet is made up of four 12-seaters (in Anglesea, Lorne, Torquay and Winchelsea). The Winchelsea Bendigo Community Bank owns a 28-seater bus that Council books to the community.

Council’s four 12-seater buses are due for replacement, and do not meet accessibility requirements. They carry significant risk, safety, financial, and insurance requirements, which are difficult for both Council and community users to meet.

“The fleet of four buses will be sold to help fund the new subsidy model, and fleet management costs will be re-allocated to support community groups hire other buses,” Council’s General Manager Community Life Damian Waight said.

“We acknowledge the decision to discontinue the fleet might be an adjustment for some groups, so we’re committed to helping them transition smoothly over the next two years.

“This will include eligible groups and organisations being able to apply for a subsidy for commercial bus hire fees.”

The bus hire subsidy

The subsidy will be available from September 2025 and will end on 30 June 2027.

Eligible priority groups – such as older people and people with a disability – will receive a 100% subsidy for each booking, totalling a maximum $1,500 each financial year.

All other community groups – including community groups, sports clubs and schools – are eligible for a subsidy of 50% towards the value of each booking, with a maximum $250 per claim and totalling a maximum $750 each financial year.

A booking form will open on Council’s website from August 2025. Community groups will also be able to check their eligibility on the website, or by calling Council on 5261 0600.

The booking webpage will be promoted to the community before it goes live.

Council also decided at its March Council meeting to transition the Winchelsea 28-seater back to Bendigo Community Bank.

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