Bin amnesty for extra kerbside waste bins

Published on 04 March 2025

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Surf Coast Shire Council is holding a bin amnesty to collect extra unpaid kerbside waste bins.

Each household pays a waste charge through their rates for collection of four bins, one for each type of kerbside waste that is collected: red lidded bin for landfill, yellow lidded bin for recycling, lime green lidded bin for FOGO (Food Organics and Garden Organics) and purple lidded bin for glass only.

Households can request extra bins or upgrade to a larger size bin with user pays fees applying to cover costs. The bins should stay at a property when it is sold and council notified.

“Collecting unpaid kerbside waste bins is a cost to the community, with ratepayers covering the cost for others,” said Chris Pike, General Manager, Placemaking and Environment.

“We want to ensure the system is working effectively and fair for everyone, so we’re making some changes.”

“All households that have paid for an extra bin or a larger bin will be receiving a letter explaining what bins they have on their property.”

“At the same time Council staff have been placing stickers on these extra bins as we prepare to audit them.”

Once bin stickering is complete, Council’s waste contractor will stop emptying extra or larger bins that are not identified with the correct sicker. Council staff will then remove these bins.

All Council kerbside waste bins have a Surf Coast Shire logo stamped into the bin. Any bins without logos will not be emptied.

If you have a question about what bins are at your property and to check if you have any extra bins call Council on 5261 0600 or email and include ‘Bin Amnesty’ in the subject line.

More information about bin services including the bin amnesty and cancelling extra or larger bins is available at

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