Taking action: Grant to trial new weed removal method


Torquay Coast Action is trialing a new mechanical method for removing weeds in Grasstree Park, made possible through a Council Natural Environment grant.

Grasstree Park Nature Reserve is a spectacular grasstree and wildflower reserve on the corner of Surf Coast Highway and Messmate Road. After an ecological burn in the park, native wattle has regrown and is dominating parts of the reserve, killing off any potential regrowth of naturally occurring heathland species. Removing the wattle will provide opportunities for indigenous species to grow, resulting in a significant boost to biodiversity of this part of the park.

Torquay Coast Action has been active in the local area for more than 28 years, tackling invasive woody weeds from Point Impossible to Point Danger and improving coastal environments and restoring habit for native wildlife.

Traditionally the dense thickets of wattle are removed by hand – an arduous and expensive task.

Whilst researching weed control methods, Torquay Coast Action found the Eco Blade. This mechanical removal of the wattle allows for a larger area to be treated than is possible by hand removal. The Eco Blade cuts the wattle to a height of 300mm and treats the cut plant with herbicide minimising damage to any existing indigenous plants. Outcomes of this trial will be shared with other groups facing similar threats from monocultures after fire or disturbance in local ecosystems.

Congratulations to Torquay Coast Action for being prepared to trial novel techniques in the battle to protect biodiversity in Grasstree Park.

Image: Area to be treated.