Update to what's accepted in kerbside bins

Carton ice-cream web tile

Changes have been made to what is accepted in your kerbside recycling and FOGO (Food Organics and Garden Organics) bins.

Now accepted in your recycling yellow lid bin is cardboard cartons and Tetrapaks from:

  • Long life and alternative milks, e.g. soy milk, almond milk, oat milk, etc.
  • Liquid cooking stock e.g. chicken, beef etc.
  • Fruit juices
  • Ice cream and custards

Please remove any plastic lids and put them in your landfill bin. Ensure all containers are empty.

A new processor has opened in Australia that can separate cardboard from the plastic and foil so they can be recycled separately.

Items now not accepted in your FOGO green lid bin:

  • Pet poo, even if it’s in a 100% compostable bag
  • Kitty litter, even if it’s made from recycled paper or wood

These items need to be placed in your landfill red lid bin. They are a biohazard to the staff working at the facilities processing this waste.

Check what can and can’t be accepted in each of your bins by checking SCRRApp, Surf Coast Shire’s rubbish and recycling app. The A-Z guide lists common household items and where to dispose of them.


Image: SCRRApp on mobile phone.