Community invited to be part of co-design process for Anglesea hub
Published on 27 February 2024
Community members are invited to apply to be part of a co-design process for the Anglesea Community and Health Hub project.
This will involve a representative group of up to 30 people from the community, including precinct users, with a range of skills, experience and opinions taking part in a series of four workshops over the coming months.
Participants will be supported to understand what has already happened, what constraints need to be considered and the opportunities that the project provides for Anglesea.
The group will build on the work that has been completed to date, consider the results of the community engagement, and develop a draft concept plan that will be shared with the community for feedback and then presented to Council by the middle of the year.
Expressions of interest for the co-design process will open from 1-15 March at You can call 5261 0600 if you don’t have internet access.
The hub, located on McMillan Street, is home to multiple community groups and agencies that deliver a range of services and programs. Its ageing buildings are struggling to meet community needs, so early planning is underway on a new 30-year plan that meets modern standards and meets service needs now and into the future.
Surf Coast Shire Mayor Cr Liz Pattison encouraged Anglesea locals to apply to be part of the co-design process.
“There has been a high level of interest in this project, so we want to make sure that community needs and views and captured and reflected in the hub’s design,” she said.
“The co-design process is a great opportunity for locals to contribute their thoughts, ideas and experiences, all of which will influence the future of this precinct.”
“There will also be an opportunity for the broader community to review and provide feedback on the draft concept plan developed through the co-design process, before it is considered by Council.”
Participants in the co-design process will be selected through an expression of interest process with the aim being to provide a representative group that generally reflects the demographics of Anglesea. Selection criteria will include age, gender, housing tenure and interaction with the precinct.
The workshops will be informed by the project objectives along with design parameters and a statement of intent for the precinct.
Council endorsed the co-design process as part of further community engagement for the project at its meeting on 27 February.
Council also resolved to ratify an expression of interest submission to Regional Development Victoria’s Regional Worker Accommodation Fund, for a housing component to be considered for funding should Council ultimately determine, after the next phases of engagement, if this is its chosen direction.