Public Access to Council Information

floders on a shelf

Surf Coast Shire Council is committed to maintaining an environment and culture of transparency and accountability. This page provides access to documents and reports prescribed under the Local Government Act 2020 and other relevant legislation and regulations. In accordance with Council's Public Transparency Policy(PDF, 149KB) Council information will be publicly available unless the information is deemed confidential by virtue of the Local Government Act 2020 or any other Act; or if the release of the information would be contrary to public interest. 

Council is currently in the process of making publicly available documents accessible online, however if you require access to a document that is not yet available, please lodge a request or contact (03) 5261 0600 for further assistance.

Election Campaign Donation Returns

In accordance with section 307 of the Local Government Act 2020, the Chief Executive Officer must ensure that following a general election a summary of each Campaign Donation Return is made available on the council's website, until the close of the roll for the next general election.

Election Campaign Donation Returns - 2024(PDF, 421KB)

Interests Returns Summaries

In accordance with Division 3 of the Local Government Act 2020 and regulations 9 and 10 of the Local Government (Governance and Integrity) Regulations 2020, Initial and Biannual Personal Interests Returns must be lodged by all Councillors, Nominated Officers, and the Chief Executive Officer. Summaries of these Personal Interests Returns are available here.


Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Register

Council is committed to transparent and ethical behaviour in relation to the giving and receiving of gifts, benefits and hospitality to and from any external party. An updated register of all disclosable gifts, benefits and hospitality received will be published quarterly. 

Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Register 2023-2024(PDF, 224KB)

Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Register 2022-2023(PDF, 227KB)

Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Register 2021-2022 (PDF, 76KB)


Interstate and Overseas Travel Register

Council is committed to maintaining transparency in relation to Councillor and Staff interstate and overseas travel. An updated register of all interstate and overseas travel for Councillors and Surf Coast Shire staff will be maintained. Summaries of this register will be published quarterly and are available below.

Councillors and Staff Interstate and Overseas Travel Register 2024(PDF, 198KB)

Councillors and Staff Interstate and Overseas Travel Register 2023(PDF, 196KB)



Council Meeting Minutes and Agendas

Council Meeting minutes and agendas are available here.

Council Policies

Council Policies are available here.

Key Council Documents