Council Policies

Acknowledgement of Country Policy (SCS-061)

This policy outlines Surf Coast Shire Council’s commitment to ensuring respectful recognition is given to Traditional Owners, and all First Nations people who are part of the Surf Coast Shire community, by way of either a verbal or written Acknowledgement of Country.

The practice of acknowledging Traditional Owners and First Nations people at appropriate instances is an important step in recognising their deep connection with this land. It shows respect for them as the custodians and care takers of these lands from time immemorial, and acknowledges the resilience of the surviving family lines of today. This is one way to demonstrate Council’s commitment to Reconciliation.

This policy assists Surf Coast Shire Council to ensure its representatives pay respectful acknowledgement to Traditional Owners.

This is in accordance with the cultural protocols developed through consultation with Traditional Owners and other First Nations people of the wider Surf Coast Shire community.

These protocols are outlined in Council’s Welcome to Country and Acknowledgment of Country: Guidelines for Surf Coast Shire Councillors, staff and volunteers.

Acknowledgement of Country Policy (SCS-061)(PDF, 73KB)

Borrowings Policy (SCS-052)

This policy creates a sound financial framework on which Surf Coast Shire Council can undertake borrowings and manage its loan portfolio whilst adhering to sound fiscal management principles.

The policy outlines where borrowings may be suitable as a funding mechanism, how Council will source new borrowings, and how borrowings and repayments will be managed whilst adhering to the provisions of the Local Government Act 2020.

Borrowings Policy (SCS-052)(PDF, 199KB)

Calling in Planning Applications Policy (SCS-057)

This policy outlines the principles and circumstances for when it is appropriate for the Council to call in the determination of a planning application.

Calling in Planning Applications Policy (SCS-057)(PDF, 144KB)

Capital Works Community Engagement Policy (SCS-025)

To outline an engagement process that ensures the community is consulted about Council capital works under $1,000,000 in value that are exempt from a Planning Permit, that if the exemption did not exist would have triggered requirement for a Planning Permit under relevant planning schemes.

To guide engagement activities to consult with the community for capital works of any value that do not trigger a requirement for a Planning Permit under relevant planning schemes.

Capital Works Community Engagement Policy (SCS-025)(PDF, 117KB)


CEO Reimbursement Policy (SCS-053)

This policy outlines the Chief Executive Officer’s (CEO) entitlement to reimbursement for Council related expenses incurred by the CEO and sets out the approvals process.

CEO Reimbursement Policy (SCS-053)(PDF, 155KB)


CEO Renumeration and Employment Policy (SCS-007)

The employment cycle of a CEO is a core responsibility of the elected Council. This policy outlines Surf Coast Shire Council’s commitment and mechanisms to provide clarity and guidance in relation to Chief Executive Officer (CEO) employment matters including recruitment and appointment, performance monitoring, annual review and end of contract processes in accordance with section 45 of the Local Government Act 2020.

CEO Renumeration and Employment Policy (SCS-007)(PDF, 201KB)



Circus Policy (SCS-026)

To outline that Council will not support circuses or other events with caged or restrained wild/exotic animals to be located or perform on Council owned or managed land.

Circus Policy (SCS-026)(PDF, 195KB)

 (PDF, 195KB)

Community Bus Policy (SCS-020)

This policy outlines Surf Coast Shire Council’s commitment to guide the management and use of Council’s community buses.

Community Bus Policy (SCS-020)(PDF, 174KB)


Community Development Policy (SCS-049)

This policy outlines Surf Coast Shire Council’s (Council) approach to community development. Community development is a process where community members take collective action on issues which are important to them. It offers an approach for Council to collaborate with communities to create a fair and inclusive society. By taking a community development approach we recognise that people are experts in their own lives and communities.

Community Development Policy (SCS-049)(PDF, 58KB)


Community Engagement Policy (SCS-017)

This policy outlines the principles and commitments that underpin Council’s approach to community engagement. It also includes the specific requirements of the Local Government Act 2020, and gives effect to the relevant engagement principles.

Community engagement is about sharing information, and seeking meaningful and influential input into decision making. It refers to planned processes, designed to work across communities and stakeholders to shape decisions or actions in relation to an issue or opportunity.

Community Engagement Policy (SCS-017)(PDF, 242KB)


Community House Policy (SCS-006)

This policy outlines Surf Coast Shire Council’s commitment to supporting Community Houses located within the Surf Coast Shire. This policy provides a clear, consistent and equitable framework for the support Council gives to Community Houses.

Community House Policy (SCS-006)(PDF, 142KB)


Complaints Handling Policy (SCS-032)

This policy outlines Surf Coast Shire Council’s commitment to an open and transparent complaint handling system which ensures all complaints are handled fairly and objectively.

Complaints Handling Policy (SCS-032)(PDF, 220KB)


Contributions to Developments on Land Owned and Managed by Others Policy (SCS-037)

Significant land within the Surf Coast Shire local government area is owned and/or managed by organisations other than Council. Facilities in these coastal and inland areas often directly service and indirectly benefit the Surf Coast Community. This policy establishes the circumstances in which Council will consider providing financial support to facility development projects in these locations.

Contributions to Developments on Land Owned and Managed by Others Policy (SCS-037)(PDF, 102KB)


Control of Noise from Council Facilities Policy (SCS-015)

This policy provides direction on the control of noise at facilities that are owned or managed by Council.

Control of Noise from Council Facilities Policy (SCS-015)(PDF, 467KB)


Councillors as Candidates in State or Federal Elections Policy (SCS-045)

This policy defines a Councillor’s obligations when standing as a candidate in State or Federal elections. It ensures good governance is practised by all Councillors and officers.

Councillors as Candidates in State or Federal Elections Policy (SCS-045)(PDF, 209KB)

 (PDF, 209KB)

Councillor Entitlements, Expenses and Facilities Policy (SCS-001)

Councillors and delegated committee members provide local community representation and civic leadership. Their role, as defined in the Local Government Act 2020 (the Act) includes complying with Council procedures required for good governance and acting in accordance with the standards of conduct.

The purpose of this policy is to provide the Surf Coast Shire Council, individual Councillors and delegated committee members with clarity and guidance as to:

  •  the financial entitlements of a Councillor and delegated committee member;
  •  the appropriate process for the reimbursement of expenses incurred by a Councillor or delegated committee member; and
  •  the resources and facilities available to Councillors and delegated committee members;

to support them in performing their duties.

This policy is consistent with the:

  •  requirements of section 40 of the Act in relation to the reimbursement of expenses for Councillors and members of delegated committees;
  • Councillor Code of Conduct
  • requirements in the Local Government (Planning and Reporting) Regulations 2020 regarding categories for annual reporting; and
  • SCS-051 Public Transparency Policy regarding documents to be made available for public inspection.

Councillor Entitlements, Expenses and Facilities Policy (SCS-001)(PDF, 266KB)


Councillor Equal Opportunity and Workplace Behaviors Policy (SCS-039)

Councillors recognise that is it the responsibility of Surf Coast Shire Council to provide:

  • a workplace that is free from bullying, sexual harassment, harassment, discrimination and victimisation and where staff, Councillors, contractors, prospective employees and volunteers treat each other with respect, courtesy and dignity;
  • a framework to ensure Council, Councillors and individuals comply with relevant legislation, Council policy and relevant codes of conduct;
  • an environment where diversity is embraced and employment and promotion decisions are merit based;
  • flexible arrangements to encourage full participation in the workplace;
  • a workplace that recognises staff’s right to raise genuine concerns without fear of victimisation;
  • an organisation that recognises its role in the community to lead by example and set a high standard for others to follow; and
  • a workforce that broadly mirrors our community’s diversity.

Councillors, like all workplace participants, are required to behave in a manner that does not breach reasonable behavioural standards as encapsulated in Council policies, procedures and codes of conduct. In addition, Councillors have a key role to play in modelling behaviours and leading by example as well as ensuring that the CEO and staff have appropriate policies and systems in place to address any inappropriate behaviours in the workplace and to comply with legislation.

Councillor Equal Opportunity and Workplace Behaviors Policy (SCS-039)(PDF, 218KB)


Councillor Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy (SCS-018)

This policy outlines Surf Coast Shire Council’s (Council) position on:

  • responding to offers of gifts, benefits and hospitality from external parties; and
  • providing gifts, benefits and hospitality to external parties.

This policy is intended to support Councillors to avoid conflicts of interest, maintain high levels of integrity, and retain public trust. It is consistent with and supports behaviour outlined in the Local Government Act 2020 and the Councillor Code of Conduct (SCS-002).

Councillor Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy (SCS-018)(PDF, 192KB)



Councillor Media Policy (SCS-041)

The purpose of this policy is to provide the Surf Coast Shire Council and individual Councillors with guidance as to what comprises good governance concerning:

  • all interactions with Media;
  • all interactions with Social Media;

related to Council decisions and the exercise of all functions concerning their roles as Council and Councillors.

This policy sets out Guidelines to assist Councillors to exercise respectful behaviours in relation to Council decisions, the different views of other Councillors and the work of Council staff. 

It is not the intent of this policy to curtail any individual human right to Freedom of Expression, but to acknowledge that all human rights come with responsibilities and must be exercised in a way that respects the human rights of others (Chart of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Charter) Preamble) and that Councillors must comply with legal obligations in the Local Government Act 1989 and the Councillor Code of Conduct.

Relevant human rights of others include the right to Privacy and Reputation as set out in the Charter.

Councillor Media Policy (SCS-041)(PDF, 541KB)



Councillor Workplace Health and Safety Policy (SCS-038)

Surf Coast Shire Council exists to represent the community, and its work includes providing a range of community, corporate, infrastructure, planning and environmental services to the Surf Coast Shire in a safe, efficient, cost effective and environmentally responsible manner. 

 Councillors care about the community and acknowledge their responsibility to provide leadership on workplace safety and relevant social justice issues. Surf Coast Shire Council, as required by the Occupational Health & Safety Act 2004 (OHS Act), must provide and maintain, so far as is reasonably practicable:

  • a working environment;
  • work systems, processes and training; and
  • Council managed buildings and community facilities;

that are safe and without risks to the health of employees, contractors, volunteers, visitors and members of the public.

Councillors recognise their responsibilities, acting collectively as Council, making decisions in the Chamber, and individually, as Officers under section 144, taking reasonable care to ensure that Council complies with its obligations under the OHS Act, but constrained in relation to what the Councillor knows about a relevant matter, their ability to make or participate in the making of decisions that affect Council in relation to any relevant matter and any other relevant consideration.

Councillors also recognise that their ability to make or participate in the making of decisions is guided by the provisions of the Local Government Act 2020 and in particular section 28(3) which states that the role of a Councillor does not include the performance of any functions that are specified as functions of the CEO including the day to day management of the Council’s operations.

Councillor Workplace Health and Safety Policy (SCS-038)(PDF, 160KB)


COVID-19 Hardship Policy (SCS-050)

This policy outlines Surf Coast Shire Council’s (Council) commitment to establish a framework by which the Council can offer relief measures to ratepayers who endure financial hardship due to COVID-19 or the Coronavirus pandemic.

COVID-19 is a new infectious disease caused by a virus called Coronavirus. The World Health Organisation declared a global pandemic on 11 March 2020 and a State of Emergency was declared in Victoria on 16 March 2020.

This policy aims to provide ratepayers and sundry debtors (excluding fines and infringements) with clear and transparent understanding of options and assistance available if they experience financial hardship due to the pandemic.

Rates, fees and charges received from residents and businesses are an important and reliable source of revenue that enables Council to deliver services to the community. In times of crises, Council’s services remain important to the community and therefore Council needs to maintain sufficient cash-flow to support delivery. However, it is also recognised that the COVID-19 pandemic will cause significant financial hardship for some members of the community and Council can in certain circumstances provide assistance.

COVID-19 Hardship Policy (SCS-050)(PDF, 294KB)


Election Advertising Signing on Council Land Policy (SCS-024)

This policy outlines Surf Coast Shire Council’s (Council) commitment to remaining totally impartial in all levels of Government elections and to avoid excessive sign clutter, Council will not allow temporary election advertising signage to be placed on any Council land, municipal buildings or roads.

Election Advertising Signing on Council Land Policy (SCS-024)(PDF, 130KB)


Election Period Policy (SCS-023)

The purpose of this policy is to provide clear procedures and practices that explain how Council business will be conducted in the period leading up to a Council election i.e. during the election period.

This is to ensure that Council elections are not compromised by inappropriate electioneering by existing Councillors and to safeguard the authority of the incoming Council.

Please see Chapter 4 (page 32) of the Surf Coast Shire Governance Rules (below).

Election Period Policy (SCS-023)(PDF, 2MB)


Environmental Management Policy (SCS-060)

Council’s organisational purpose is to help its community and environment to thrive.

The purpose of this policy is to:

  • Outline Council’s commitment to managing and minimising its environmental impact, fulfilling environmental obligations and continually improving environmental performance.
  • Describe Council’s approach to delivering on these commitments.

Environmental Management Policy (SCS-060)(PDF, 205KB)


Events Policy (SCS-022)

The Surf Coast Shire hosts hundred of events each year, ranging from internationally recognised sports events such as the Rip Curl Pro and Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race, to mass participation offerings, community-based activities and local markets.

Council is a keen supporter of these events and recognises the important role they play in community and civic life. Depending on the nature and scale of the event, they have the potential to deliver significant economic, environmental, social and cultural benefits to the region.

Council has an important role to play in leveraging these benefits, while managing the impacts of events on their host communities. With increasing demand from organisers wishing to host events within the region, particularly the coastal townships, there is a need for a clear framework for assessing event applications and ensuring events are planned and delivered to the highest standard.

All events will be subject to an annual assessment process against the key principles outlined in this policy. 

The purpose of this policy is to define Surf Coast Shire Council’s role in supporting, partnering, facilitating and delivering events held within the region.

It includes an overview of the Event Grants Program, and provides a framework for assessing event applications in the context of an increasingly busy annual calendar of events.

Events Policy (SCS-022)(PDF, 109KB)


Fair Access Policy (SCS-063)

The Fair Access Policy (the Policy) outlines Surf Coast Shire Council’s (Council) commitment to support gender equitable access to, and use of, community sports infrastructure.

The Policy means that Surf Coast Shire complies with the Gender Equality Act 2020, Local Government Act 2020 and the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008. The policy works towards providing more welcoming, accessible, and inclusive community sports infrastructure for women and girls. With this Policy, Council ensures ongoing eligibility for Victorian Government funding programs relating to community sports infrastructure.


Fencing on Boundaries between Public and Private Land Policy (SCS-048)

The purpose of this policy is to clearly define different types of boundary applications, clearly set out Council’s financial obligations for the associated costs of fencing for each application and to provide a consistent approach to the style of fencing that is required.

Fencing on Boundaries between Public and Private Land Policy (SCS-048)(PDF, 154KB)


Flag Policy (SCS-035)

The purpose of this policy is to:

  • Ensure that the flags displayed at the Surf Coast Shire Council office are flown in accordance with the flag protocols as determined by the Australian Government.
  • Establish guidelines for flying other flags which are significant to the Surf Coast Shire community.

Flag Policy (SCS-035)(PDF, 2MB)


Footpath Trading Policy (SCS-011)

The purpose of this policy is to control footpath trading in the Surf Coast Shire.

Footpath trading:

  • adds to the vibrancy and appeal of our Shire and its streetscapes
  • brings economic benefits to individual traders and the Shire
  • encourages and attracts shoppers, tourists, visitors, and
  • increases social interaction within our community,

but both Council and individual traders have a duty of care to pedestrians.

Footpath Trading Policy (SCS-011)(PDF, 310KB)


Fraud and Corruption Control Policy (SCS-010)

This policy supports Council in providing good governance in its municipal district for the benefit and wellbeing of the municipal community by establishing its commitment to the prevention, detection, and response to fraud and corruption.

Fraud and Corruption Control Policy (SCS-010)(PDF, 201KB)


Graffiti Management Policy (SCS-058)

The Graffiti Management Policy provides a framework for Council’s response to and minimisation of graffiti that will support and maintain a better living environment for residents, businesses and visitors of the Surf Coast Shire.

Graffiti Management Policy (SCS-058)(PDF, 179KB)


Grants Program Policy (SCS-056)

This policy outlines Surf Coast Shire Council’s (Council) commitment to supporting vibrant, resilient, and sustainable communities through the provision of grants.

The Policy:

  1. Demonstrates Council’s dedication to fostering community-led initiatives and events that align with strategic goals, including enhancing well-being, promoting environmental sustainability, supporting cultural and recreational activities, fostering economic growth, and ensuring inclusivity and accessibility.
  2. Establishes a framework for equitable, transparent, and effective grant distribution, facilitating a collaborative approach to community development and capacity building to address the needs of the Surf Coast community. 

 (PDF, 561KB)Grants Program Policy (SCS-056)(PDF, 561KB)


Hardship Policy (SCS-003)

The purpose of this policy is to establish a framework by which the Surf Coast Shire Council can offer some form of relief measures to ratepayers/sundry debtors who endure significant hardship in meeting rates and charges including special charge rates and sundry debtor payments.

Hardship Policy (SCS-003)(PDF, 522KB)


Infrastructure Special Rate and Charge Scheme Policy (SCS-009)

This policy outlines the circumstances and manner in which new or improved Infrastructure works are undertaken with financial contributions from property owners based on principles of fairness and equity.

This contribution shall be raised through a Special Rate or Charge Scheme having regard to the level of special benefit received by those properties and the level of benefit received by the community.

Infrastructure Special Rate and Charge Scheme Policy (SCS-009)(PDF, 122KB)


Investment Policy (SCS-016)

This policy outlines Council’s requirements to ensure that all of Council’s investments are actively managed within the framework of the Local Government Act, and provide maximum returns for ratepayers with consideration of an acceptable level of risk.


Investment Policy (SCS-016)(PDF, 224KB)

 (PDF, 224KB)

Live Streaming Policy (SCS-044)

This policy outlines Surf Coast Shire Council’s (Council) provisions for live streaming, and recording and publishing video and audio of its Council and Committee meetings that are open to the public.

Live Streaming Policy (SCS-044)(PDF, 215KB)

 (PDF, 215KB)

First Party Native Vegetation Offsets Policy (SCS-036)

This policy outlines Surf Coast Shire Council’s (Council) commitment to:

  • Support implementation of Victoria’s Guidelines for the removal, destruction or lopping of native vegetation (and any subsequent approved regulations or guidelines) requiring approved clearing of native vegetation to have an offset that makes an equivalent or greater contribution to Victoria’s biodiversity.
  • Ensure proposed offset areas meet eligibility requirements as defined by the State Government and Council.
  • Provide direction to permit holders on the location of first party native vegetation offset areas (i.e. offsets are established on land owned by the permit holder).
  • Confirm that native vegetation offset sites cannot be used as any part of Public Open Space Contributions.
  • Ensure applicants bear responsibility for costs relating to the establishment and management of native vegetation offset areas.
  • Further Council’s commitment to environmental leadership and support the preservation and enhancement of the natural environment.

First Party Native Vegetation Offsets Policy (SCS-036)(PDF, 202KB)


Place Naming Policy (SCS-004)

This policy:

  • Outlines Surf Coast Shire Council’s (Council) commitment to initiating, approving or rejecting the naming of parks, reserves, roads, facilities and features throughout Surf Coast Shire.
  • Outlines Council’s commitment to a consistent approach to the installation of plaques and memorials within the municipality.
  • Assists Council in making decisions, ensuring that the naming of places within the municipality is clear, enduring and reflective of cultural identity and the diversity of our community.

Place Naming Policy (SCS-004)(PDF, 191KB)


Plastic Wise Events and Markets on Council Owned/Managed Land Policy (SCS-008)

This policy outlines Surf Coast Shire Council’s (Council) commitment to eliminating single use plastic items at events, markets and organised sporting activities held at all sites owned and managed by Council.

Plastic Wise Events and Markets on Council Owned/Managed Land Policy (SCS-008)(PDF, 518KB)


Planning Consultation Policy (SCS-027)

To promote and support the use of consultation and mediation in the management of planning disputes in Surf Coast Shire where there are objections and submissions to planning applications, development plans and planning scheme amendments to resolve concerns.

To improve the customer experience for those in our community who may participate in the planning system as objectors, submitters, supporters, owners or applicants within the relevant planning processes under the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

Planning Consultation Policy (SCS-027)(PDF, 150KB)


Privacy and Data Protection Policy (SCS-031)

This policy details Surf Coast Shire Council’s (Council) commitment to meet the requirements of the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic) in regard to the management and handling of personal and health information.

The object of this policy is to ensure that Council maintains the individual’s privacy to the standard required by IPP’s under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and the HPP’s under the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic).

Privacy and Data Protection Policy (SCS-031)(PDF, 273KB)


Private Planning Scheme Amendment Fee Policy (SCS-042)

This policy outlines Surf Coast Shire Council’s process for the apportionment of costs associated with privately requested planning scheme amendments, including where direct costs are incurred that exceed or are outside the ambit of the prescribed fees.

Private Planning Scheme Amendment Fee Policy (SCS-042)(PDF, 515KB)


Procurement Policy (SCS-019)

This Procurement Policy is made under Section 108 of the Local Government Act 2020.

The Act requires each council to:

  • Prepare and adopt a procurement policy which specifies the principles, processes and procedures to be applied in respect of the purchase of goods and services and carrying out of works by Council; and
  • Review its procurement policy at least once during each 4-year term of Council.

Procurement Policy (SCS-019)(PDF, 717KB)


Property Use Agreements Policy (SCS-034)

To ensure that Council has a clear and workable framework for property use agreements with individuals, businesses and/or groups that:

  • Are consistent in their application;
  • Protect public land and assets; and
  • Support the users’ objectives.

Property Use Agreements Policy (SCS-034)(PDF, 403KB)


Public Spaces Closed Circuit Television Policy (SCS-014)

This policy outlines Surf Coast Shire Council’s (Council) commitment to working with others to ensure the safety of residents and visitors within the Surf Coast Shire. As part of a broader suite of community safety initiatives Council will, where deemed necessary and appropriate, use or approve the use of, closed circuit television (CCTV) covering public spaces to maximise community safety.

Public Spaces Closed Circuit Television Policy (SCS-014)(PDF, 154KB)


Public Transparency Policy (SCS-051)

This Policy supports Council in its ongoing drive for good governance and the importance of open and accountable conduct, and sets out how Council information is to be made publicly available.

Council must adopt and maintain a public transparency policy under section 57 of the Local Government Act 2020.

Public Transparency Policy (SCS-051)(PDF, 149KB)


Rabbit Management Policy (SCS-029)

To outline Council’s commitment and approach to best practice rabbit management in Surf Coast Shire, in partnership with the community and land management agencies.

Rabbit Management Policy (SCS-029)(PDF, 211KB)


Residential Nature Strip Policy (SCS-059)

In recognising that the management of nature strips impacts a variety of stakeholders including property owners, residents, commuters, emergency management agencies, service authorities and Council, this policy outlines Surf Coast Shire Council’s commitment to the management of nature strips within Council managed road reserves.

Residential Nature Strip Policy (SCS-059)(PDF, 185KB)


Risk Management Policy (SCS-021)

The Surf Coast Shire Council’s (Council) purpose is: to help our community and environment to thrive. Council is committed to having an open and transparent risk management culture that underpins and supports its purpose and strategic goals as part of a system of good corporate governance. Council will strive to ensure that it does not place the community, staff, visitors or contractors at unacceptable levels of risk or harm, and that it safeguards its assets, infrastructure, finances and reputation.

To achieve this, Council has adopted an integrated, enterprise wide approach to the management of risk. This approach provides for the effective identification, analysis, management and escalation of risk throughout the organisation, enhanced decision making, and visibility to Council and the community that risks are being managed effectively. This will allow the Executive Management Team (EMT) and Council to make informed decisions with regard to resourcing and budget.

Risk Management Policy (SCS-021)(PDF, 162KB)


Sale Exchange or Transfer of Council Land Policy (SCS-013)

This Policy contributes to the Council’s strategic and effective management of its land relevant to Council’s functions, objectives and the needs of the community.

This policy provides the Council with:

  • A framework to consider the sale, exchange or transfer of land it owns; and
  • The mechanism to sell, exchange or transfer land owned by Council.

Sale Exchange or Transfer of Council Land Policy (SCS-013)(PDF, 131KB)


Signage on Council Owned or Managed Land Policy (SCS-012)

The purpose of this policy is to define the principles for effective signage and the authority which allows the regulation of all signage on land that is owned or managed by Council.

Signage on Council Owned or Managed Land Policy (SCS-012)(PDF, 451KB)


Social Housing Policy (SCS-054)

This policy outlines Surf Coast Shire Council’s commitment to increase the provision of social housing within the municipality.

Social Housing Policy (SCS-054)(PDF, 144KB)


Statutory Planning Fee Waiver and Rebate Policy (SCS-028)

This policy prescribes the circumstances where a statutory planning fee waiver or rebate may be applied under Regulation 20 of the Planning and Environment (Fees) Regulations 2016.

Statutory Planning Fee Waiver and Rebate Policy (SCS-028)(PDF, 354KB)


Sustainable Design Policy (SCS-055)

This policy outlines Surf Coast Shire Council’s (Council) commitment to best practice Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD), ensuring climate change mitigation and adaptation considerations are incorporated into the design, construction, operations, and demolition works of new Council facilities, significant facility upgrades/renewals, civil works, and open space projects.


Sustainable Design Policy (SCS-055)(PDF, 427KB)



Use of Council Facilities Policy (SCS-033)

The purpose of this policy is to establish the principles that underpin Council’s approach to identifying and prioritising appropriate users of Council owned and /or managed facilities.

Use of Council Facilities Policy (SCS-033)(PDF, 120KB)


Waste Facility Fees and Charges Policy (SCS-030)

Recycled materials are generated from processing of waste products delivered to Council waste facilities. The majority of recycled materials produced are used for Council operational purposes; however from time to time excess materials are generated. Similarly there may be a requirement to accept materials such as clean fill for onsite operational requirements or for the disposal of waste from an emergency event. In these circumstances there is an opportunity to apply alternative fees to ensure operational requirements or community needs are met.

Waste Facility Fees and Charges Policy (SCS-030)(PDF, 83KB)


Other Policies and Protocols

Child Safe Organisation Policy (MPP-052)

This policy outlines Surf Coast Shire Council’s commitment to being a child safe organisation for the safety and wellbeing of all children in the community. We recognise that we all play an important role in protecting children, especially if we have concerns for a child’s safety. We promote a culture that reduces the opportunity for harm to children, and we have procedures to follow when someone raises concerns about child safety or reports abuse.

Child Safe Organisation Policy (MPP-052)(PDF, 242KB)


Child-friendly version of the Child Safe Organisation Policy (MPP-052)

Every child and young person has the right to be safe and feel safe.

This document is a child-friendly version of MPP-052 Child Safe Organisation Policy and explains how the Surf Coast Shire Council works to keep you safe.

Child-friendly version of the Child Safe Organisation Policy (MPP-052)(PDF, 2MB)


Councillor and Staff Interaction Protocol (MPP-053)

This Protocol has been developed to support Councillors and Council staff by providing a structure and framework to guide the way that they interact while performing their respective roles as established under the Local Government Act 2020.

The organisation is committed to working together with Councillors in a positive and constructive way, and ensuring that all Councillors and Council staff are supported and equipped to perform their roles.

Councillor and Staff Interaction Protocol (MPP-053)(PDF, 293KB)


Code of Conduct Policy (Staff) (HR24)

Section 49 of the Local Government Act 2020 states that a Chief Executive Officer must develop and implement a code of conduct for Council staff that is accessible to all staff.

This Code of Conduct (‘the Code’) establishes a minimum standard of behaviour that applies to all employees at Surf Coast Shire Council during work time or when they might reasonably be perceived to be representing the Council outside of work hours. The Code is a tool that aims to positively shape the culture at Surf Coast Shire Council.

The Code seeks to provide guidance and to help employees deal with ethical dilemmas they may face at work. In many instances other Council policies will provide detailed guidelines for particular circumstances, however, both this Code and the policies referred to do not cover every situation. If an employee is unsure of the appropriate action to be taken in a given situation then they should seek clarification from their direct supervisor.

Code of Conduct Policy (Staff) (HR24)(PDF, 277KB)