Organisational structure
Surf Coast Shire is headed by the Chief Executive Officer and divided into three divisions, each the responsibility of a General Manager. Together they make up the Executive Management Team.
Contact a member of the Executive Management Team on (03) 5261 0600 or at
Download the organisational structure(PDF, 202KB)
Robyn Seymour
Chief Executive Officer
The role of the CEO is to take responsibility for leading and managing the organisation to ensure implementation of the goals and strategies endorsed by Council. In doing so, the CEO creates a climate for good democratic governance and promotion of the principles of fairness, equality, openness, accountability and transparency within the organisation to assist Councillors to govern effectively, as required under the Local Government Act (2020).
Gail Gatt
General Manager - Strategy and Effectiveness
This division aims to provide the centre of excellence that sets the framework to ensure that we are achieving our goals and providing high quality services within our budget. This division will build on our work in recent years in the areas of business improvement, people and culture, finance, project management and delivery, governance and technology. These functions will unite to ensure we’re an organisation that stays focused on delivering Council’s goals, does so efficiently and realises the benefits to our community. We see it as helping set the goals and future direction of the organisation, being a performance enabler and holding the organisation accountable for achieving the outcomes we have committed to achieving. This division is critical to our ability to be our best now and into the future.

Chris Pike
General Manager - Placemaking and Environment
Placemaking and Environment: The aim of this centre of excellence is to continue to support how our shire develops and evolves as a community and a place. It is where priorities such as planning that is truly integrated and work closely with our assets and engineering team, environment, sustainability and economic development to lead and support and realise our community aspirations. This includes how people get around as well ensuring that things function in the way they need to. In summary it is all of those things that shape and grow our community to ensure Surf Coast Shire is thriving and great place to live now and into the future.
Damian Waight
General Manager - Community Life
This portfolio supports people to have a great life - whether it’s in our parks or through the services we provide over the life spectrum from early childhood to our aging community. It includes how we support and facilitate people to make the most of their lives in Surf Coast Shire. It’s all the things that enable people to do the things they love doing. Enabling community is a fundamental part of this work, which relates to how, in the context of finite resources, we can extend our capacity by enabling the talent we have in our community to assist us to achieved our shared goals. The four departments in this directorate are: Operations, Community Safety, Community Support and Community Strengthening.