Community Planning

What is community planning?

Community planning brings residents together to

  • explore what matters to people locally
  • identify common values
  • form a shared vision for their community.

With this as the basis, residents then create a Community Plan that includes a clear list of goals, priorities and actions that community members themselves will act upon.

Community Plans help inform Council’s plans and programs in those places, influenced by the unique values, characteristics and activities taking place in each township and community. 

Completed Community Plans

Council supports local communities to develop a three year Community Plan for their township/district.

The following plans have been completed so far:

Moriac Community Plan(PDF, 4MB)

Winchelsea Community Plan(PDF, 8MB)

The next Community Plan is scheduled to take place in Anglesea early in 2025.  

Resources to support community planning

Supporting place-based communities to develop their own unique Community Plans is Action 6 of Council's Community Development Action Plan 2022-24(PDF, 4MB).

For more information contact the Community Development Advisor on 5261 0600.